Zev Porat

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

White House Sequester PARTY? Liberal Media DEFENDS!

From PPSIMMONS - (On the road)


Hey guys, I am on the road for a couple of days and in a motel room this morning. I was watching the morning news and decided to watch a MSM channel. Charlie Rose was at a table with a couple of women that I did not know (I never watch this channel).

The topic came up about the recent White House Memphis Soul celebration and party. They showed numerous clips and ooooed and aaaaahhhhed over them. Then someone brought up the fact that some people are actually mad about the party in light of the sequester and the White House subsequently canceling tours. At that point Charlie and the girls launched into a tirade about how the White House was "celebrating America" and that the party was a "good thing."  They said, "this is what the White House does...."  I thought I could actually hear their voice trembling with righteous indignation.

The shameless and blatantly transparent support of this (unlawful) administration and every imbecilic, anti-American thing they do is still amazing to me. Apparently partying with private and select guests with lavish entertainment all at taxpayer expense is "what the White House does," but opening the PEOPLE'S house to tours is not a "celebration of America" and is not what this White House "does" - furthermore, apparently this is all just fine by the mainstream media.

Hmmm, I wonder what the reporting would have been had all of this happened under George Bush, for example?   Would Charlie and the girls have said "Bush is just celebrating America! This is what the White House does!"  Doubtful.

Just yesterday, more information was received from significant VIPS concerning the soon coming international exposure of the Obama Fraud case from Sheriff Arpaio and the CCP. Everything is still proceeding as planned. Be patient. We might be rid of the golfer and party-er in Chief long before 2016. We are Hoping (praying) for that Change along with a lot of others in America. 

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