NEW YORK (CNN) - A famed psychic turned out to be dead wrong when she proclaimed the death of one of the girls missing, now freed in Cleveland.
Its one thing to be a psychic predicting love or the lack thereof, but there's nothing funny when it comes to predicting life or death.
Psychic Sylvia Browne is under attack, for being wrong about this girl, Amanda Berry .
Almost 9 years ago Amanda Berry's mom went on the Montel Williams show where resident psychic Sylvia Browne spoke of Amanda. We don't have that video, but the WMMS Morning Show in Cleveland re-enacted the transcript.
Amanda's mom is no longer alive. She came home from the psychic's reading telling the Cleveland plain dealer she was "devastated." She died a little more than a year later after being hospitalized with pancreatitis.
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About 50 years ago, my mother (she is a Christian) was 30 and went with her friend to a fortune teller in Illinois. This EVIL woman handed my mother a letter and told her not to open it until she got home. After getting home she read the letter. It said "YOUR HUSBAND WILL DIE AT THE AGE OF 50"!
ReplyDeleteMy poor mother suffered through literal hell for many years and she came to know the Lord on her face at the age of 40. Fortune tellers are possessed by demons and the devil is a LIAR! My dad is 82 years old. Believers need to know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of darkness. I am so upset when people ask me what sign I am or they go to fortune tellers and profess Christ! Satan and his cronies come as angels of light to rob, kill, steal, destroy. We need to serve HIM the Lord ONLY!