Zev Porat

Saturday, May 18, 2013

VP Biden now blamed in SEAL Team 6 deaths

Attorney: 'He should even be held criminally accountable'

The families of three fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members say President Obama and Vice President Biden are culpable for the deaths of their sons for publicly identifying the unit that killed Osama bin Laden and pursuing policies that coddle Muslims and put our own troops at a tactical disadvantage.

SEAL Team Six carried out the daring raid in Pakistan in early May 2011. Three months later, three members of the unit were among 38 killed in a Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan. Twenty-five of the dead were special operations forces. Larry Klayman is founder of Freedom Watch, a WND columnist and the attorney representing three of the families who lost their sons. He said the Obama administration carelessly and illegally revealed the role of SEAL Team Six shortly after announcing the successful mission to kill bin Laden.

"Shortly after that successful raid on bin Laden, the president – through the vice president for political purposes – released the name of SEAL Team Six. That's classified information, and even (then) Defense Secretary Robert Gates was critical of that. So that was like putting a target on the backs of the sons of my clients," said Klayman, who revealed the helicopter may have been infiltrated by the Taliban before the crash because the Afghans on board were last-minute changes from the names on the original flight manifest.

MORE STORY AND RADIO BROADCAST INTERVIEW HERE: http://www.wnd.com/2013/05/biden-now-blamed-in-seal-team-6-deaths/

1 comment:

  1. Biden is a doddering old puppet mouthpiece for Obama! We have never had a more Destructive, Warring Non-American President than Obama! His illegal actions have been and still are a sin to humanity! He has stolen the election via fraud! The Computer Software company, Smartmatic is from Florida but they are owned by a software company in Spain and that company is owned by George Soros. All of the raw feed from the voting machines were on line to Spain where the votes were tabulated and the results from count is called back and reported (as George Soros decides it to be). The greatest shame our nation has ever endured! Obama is a muslim... ergo Obama is a liar! It is apparent Obama is a skillful liar! Most muslims are! It is a policy of Islam! http://www.islam-watch.org/War... We are at war with muslims! Muslims are rife throughout our Department of Defense... our Military.... our government.... they are everywhere! Attention America. WAKE UP! OMG! Obama Must Go! Huma Abedin is a Muslim first and foremost! She was Hillary Clinton's right hand and privy to far too much of our National Intelligence! Valerie Jarrett is an Iranian and won some kind of Iranian of the year award in 2008! She is Obama's right hand and mentor! She, also, is privy to far too much of our National Intelligence! Where on earth is our Congress! It is obvious that Obama is Muslim! These are our avowed enemies! We don't know if Obama is an Illegal Immigrant! We don't know if that is his legal name? Arrest Him! With all of his illegal "gun running activities", his illegal Executive Orders, his illegal refusal to execute the laws of our nation, to protect our borders, Benghazi, election fraud, IRS attacks, illegal eavesdropping and now all that is being exposed! SHAME ON YOU, CONGRESS! If you do nothing, The Military must step in… otherwise, our nation is gone!
