Zev Porat

Sunday, May 19, 2013


On Friday, former acting IRS Commissioner Steve Miller, testifying before the House Ways and Means Committee, said that America's tax system is "voluntary." 

During the hearing, Rep. Devin Nunes (D-CA) said in passing that the U.S. tax code is a "voluntary system." Miller simply responded, "Agreed."

This line has been used before by none other than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Interviewed by Jan Helfeld in 2008, this is how the conversation went:

Helfeld: If the government is in the business of forcefully taking money from some people in order to provide welfare benefits to others, how will the people whose money is being taken feel about the government?

Reid: Well, I don't accept your phraseology. I don't think we force people-

Helfeld: Taxation is not forceful?                                                                           

Reid: Well, no ..

Helfeld: It's voluntary?

Reid: Quite the contrary. Our system of government Is a voluntary tax system

Helfeld: If you don't want to pay your taxes, you don't have to?

Reid: Of course you have to pay your taxes

Helfeld: The government will force you to pay or they will fine you or imprison you.

more http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/05/17/IRS-Chief-Taxes-Are-Voluntary

1 comment:

  1. This is another example of how corrupt this government is and the need for a major housecleaning. "Taxes are voluntary but you can go to jail for not paying?"

    Abolish the IRS to start, no explanation needed here. Flat tax.

    Abolish the EPA, it has far too much power and forces us to use a fuel that is neither cheap nor effective, destroys engines large and small, and answers to no one. It uses conjured up reports by biased scientists to give them the answers they want to fulfill their leftist agenda and separate more cash from taxpayers.

    Abolish the Department of Education and return these funds to the states, we spend more per capita per child with the least positive results. We need to stop the government from forcing government sponsored curriculum to our kids.

    Abolish the Department of Energy that does nothing but soak up energy and taxpayer cash.

    Overhaul the Department of Agriculture to end food stamps as we know it and subsidies that support prices thus producing a false market on certain products like sugar and sorry to say milk. I don't have a problem with food stamps but under the current scheme it has run amok like every other government operation that has no accountability to protect the taxpayer.

    All this and more needs to be done. Nothing good will happen under this current corrupt administration. Anyone who thinks Obama didn't know about the harassment the IRS, FBI, and ATF
    flung on conservative groups is lying to themselves. Schumer and and Stuart Smallie even wrote and asked the IRS to do just what has been done.

    Congress, needs to gear up, cowboy up, and demand and investigation on the criminal activities of Obama starting with that massive "in your face" forgery birth doc on the White House website (federal offense) and the Draft registration card he forged (federal offense)by saying he filled it out in July 1980 but received a hearty "thank you" from the Selective Service System in May of 2007! He needs to answer the question, exactly when did you start sharing a social security number that was issued to someone else?

    I have no faith in government except the assurance that whatever happens will be wrong, ineffective, someone else's fault, and congress will continue to sit on their hands.

    Citizens have spent much capital in time and effort to get justice here, it is time for congress to takeover and prove to taxpayers they have their back.
