Zev Porat

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Glenn Beck Arriving in NYC Searching for Big Breaking New Secret...That Will Change History

1 comment:

  1. When Obama is removed, because he is Illegal, all of his actions will be Null and Void and without effect! Obamacare, all of his myriad of Executive Orders, etc. Obama is going down! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! The first Rock in an Avalanche! You will see God's Hand moving from this day forward! Thank you, Lord! God is removing the evil from our land and restoring us to our Constitution and our Christian Foundation! Watch Out World, America is coming back! This is the day that we are going to see God's Mighty Hand begin to move on behalf of we, His Kids! Praise the Lord! God will make a short work of tearing down the works of darkness, remove the evil from our government and restore our Great Nation to our Constitution and our Christian Foundation! We are His Body! God moves through His Body, His Church! We must fight, be brave against all evil! Never run, nor even lag behind! If we would win for God and the Right, just keep on the firing line! We can't afford to get tired, discouraged or quit! We will win! With God, we are a majority!
