PROOF that Orly Taitz is an Obama Operative?
Could this be the case that reveals
who Orly Taitz really is?
PPSIMMONS News Exclusive
June 15, 2013

months, Orly Taitz has been urging and pushing Mike Zullo and Joe Arpaio to
"file charges" on the Obama "social security number" issue. Carl Gallups
of Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups and PPSIMMONS Radio has done
several interviews with Mike Zullo and Arpaio SSN investigator Don Jeffrey.
In these interviews, they have laid out the clear legal problems with filing charges in the SSN issue. Both Zullo and Jeffrey (seasoned and longtime criminal investigators) maintain that any attempt to use the SSN matter to bring the Obama identity scandal to resolution will result in a judicial disaster. Why? Because, Zullo and Jeffrey explain, no one has 100% legal - court room ready proof that Obama has committed a SSN crime. No one has it - regardless of how loudly Orly proclaims that they do.
In the following story posted at - the headlines tout that:
Chief Judge of the United States District Court for DC gives leave of court to file motions & documents providing undeniable evidence of Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number
The article reports that, "On June 13, 2013, Judge Lamberth Chief Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia gave leave of court to file 74 pages of motions and exhibits submitted by Attorney Orly Taitz
in case 11-cv-402 Taitz v Astrue (Michael Astrue was the Commissioner
of the Social Security at the time the case was originally filed,
currently it is Carolyn W.Colvin)
This is significant, as the
motions attached herein show that Barack Obama is using a stolen Social
Security number of Harrison J. Bounel, born in 1890, immigrant from
Russia, who is presumed to be deceased."
The truth of the matter is that there is NO official government proof (IRS records, SSA records, affidavits, etc) that prove any of the above to be a fact. It may very well be a fact - but speculation based upon "computer runs" of SSNs over the internet will NOT hold up in Federal Court. This case will more than likely be thrown out. One might argue that the court could demand the records. Yes...they could. But an Obama friendly court probably will not - and the SSA and the IRS are headed by Obama appointees. As easy as this is for the reader to figure out - why can't Orly see it? Or...does she?
The reader may ask: Why is the federal judge taking the case then? The answer may be as simple as this - this judge has ruled against the "birthers" in the past. Orly has had this case filed before the court for quite sometime. PPSIMMONS has learned from an expert source that a "technical error" on the court's part may have forced the judge to allow the matter before his court.
PPSIMMONS PREDICTION: The case will be dismissed and/or destroyed in this courtroom and thus used as "evidence" that the birthers "have nothing." If this happens - you will see that Zullo and Jeffrey have been right all along. Please remember this article and the below radio interviews when that day comes. You cannot say that you were not warned.
Here is the test. For a few months now - some have speculated that Orly Taitz may, in fact, be an Obama operative. They maintain that Orly has filed numerous cases and lost everyone while at the same time claiming to be the "world's leading authority" in the matter. Her efforts have led, they say, to an ever increasing marginalization of real Obama identity fraud investigations. The fact that she continually calls for Arpaio and Zullo to "file charges" when she, as an attorney and world expert, should know that doing so would devastate the case in a legal sense, many believe is evidence that Taitz may be working for the other side. Why, many have asked, would the world's leading expert and attorney continually push losing cases before federal courts only to make the birthers look more and more inept? Hmmm. Yes - why? indeed.
We at PPSIMMONS wish Orly "God-speed" in this matter. If she wins this case - we will loudly blow the trumpet for Orly Taitz and thank her profusely. But, alas, we don't think that is going to happen.
So... is Orly Taitz an Obama operative? Is she merely an inept attorney desperately seeking fame and fortune, as some have suggested? ... Or is she a national hero? We hope and pray she is proven to be the latter. At this point though, the evidence doesn't point that way. Stay tuned...
Listen to the details of "WHY THE SSN CASE WON'T FLY IN FEDERAL COURT"
One interview is Carl Gallups with Mike Zullo
The other interview is Carl Gallups with Don Jeffrey
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ABOUT CARL GALLUPS: Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer, and a long-time senior pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.
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Word to the wise... Stop feeding the monster...
ReplyDeleteThe Lamberth order is procedural and nothing more... The outcome will be the same as his other rulings in the very same case:
ORYR is right, she ain't even a American! And she's probably a filthy Obot. She should be sent back with the other illegals for disrepecting our great nation and slandarizing Patriots like Rev. Gallups & Lt. Zullo.
ReplyDeleteWhat Orly is doing in this case is exactly what Zullo, Gallups, and Jeffrey said should NOT happen. We will soon see who is right. Isn't it a little "coincidental" that as Zullo is getting so close to getting a congressional investigation that Orly trashes him, taunts him, spreads untruths about him and his case, and now - this? Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteI will put my money on Orly Taitz rather than a alleged posse which picks out a gay Hawaiian Democrat document examiner who has worked for Obama's lawyers as an expert. Then sits on its rear end for over a year without trying to file any charges.
ReplyDeleteGo back to mommy cellar,and this time, have your mommy or daddy read and explain the articles that ppsimmons and Lt. Zullio have put out.Then have mommy or daddy read the articles about why they Whacked lawyer (orly) lost all of her court cases. It's not that hard, even for a 3rd.grader to understand!
DeleteGreat articles, sure. I loved the jaywalking one! How did Lt. Zullo say it, not enough evidence to convict Obama of jaywalking? Write on.
DeleteWhether Taitz succeeds or not--and she might, for once, get a favorable ruling, Arpaio and Zullo have compiled a formidable amount of hard evidence of fraud, have run the case brilliantly in a climate of intense opposition and threat, and, in my HO, have gotten an expert exactly right for the very characteristics you complain about.
DeleteI used to follow Orly's website. And last year when I stumbled on it I was shocked at the amount of info out there! In a few days I noticed that she posts everything on the website, then complains that the Obots are finding out info and scrubbing it and then pleads to her supporters to dig for data before it is scrubbed by Obots! I asked her why she posted all info for the Obots to see and then rush to it and scrub it? I wrote that her website looks like a distraction to keep well-meaning and intelligent citizens who ask questions, to keep them occupied with futile running in circles!
ReplyDeleteI didn't get any answer. Then, I concluded that maybe it is a good tactic to disseminate info instantly and she has made herself safe by spreading the word!
Then, I noticed that every case that she took to court had some problems attached to it, by way of some oversight on her part or some clever judge pushing the case aside with loopholes in legalities! I even commented that she is very unprofessional in her approach! But, I admired her 'never-say-die' attitude, and diligently followed her efforts till last month when I noticed, a perceptible change in her attitude towards Zullo's efforts. I wondered why- as both are fighting the same war that seemed suspicious!
Then, 15 military officers who supported her and wrote letters in support had all vanished!
Then, out of nowhere she put out a letter of threat to her for following the BC issue, when all the Benghazi and AP scandals were breaking! Why should anyone bother her at that time?
Then, the count down to pressurize to lodge a complaint was equally funny as it would eventually go to the Sin-eater Holder himself!
So, I just let her know that I think she is a clever ruse to keep many informed citizens occupied in efforts designed to fail and thus keep them busy. That comment was not approved by her. So, I knew.
Now, I am watching your efforts and looking for signs whether this too is a clever ploy for distraction. I have nothing to win or lose in this matter as I am a foreigner. But, I just am just curious to know why even when there is so much of evidence against, this person seems like teflon-coated! Is this all manufactured evidence laid out to be discovered by diligent citizens so that other sinister plots are laid out while they are busy? God knows and only time will tell. Thanks for your posts, and Orly certainly is out!
Taitz may very well be a BHO operative; but she may only be an inept, flakey, and driven attorney. In any event, Taitz is asking the Court to Order the Social Security Administration to provide Taitz with a copy of an application for Social Security ( or for an SS number?) completed by a Harry J Bounel and the SS number Bounel was given. Taitz has filed a 1940 US Census document showing that Bounel was age 50 in 1940, meaning that Bounel was born in 1890. Taitz has also filed a SS Aministration document which states that under a recently adopted rule, the SS Aplication of anyone over the age of 120 must be provided to a requester without having to show proof of death. It does seem as if, under this recently adopted rule the SS Administration must provide Taitz with a copy of Bounel's Application and SS number. All of Taitz's other submissions may be tossed by Lamberth, but I don't see how he can deny Judicial Notice to the two government documents, unless he is willing to make an arbitrary and outrageous ruling--which he may very well do. Should Lamberth grant Judicial Notice to the two documents, he would be compelled to Order the SS Administration to provide Taitz with he Bounel Application and SS number. Whatever the motives are of anyone connected to this case, I have no doubt that the Bounel application and SS number will show that that Bounel was the sole legal recipient of a SS number that is currently being used by Obama. I think this ruling may be a "hard decide" for Lamberth--unless, unless and if, if, if the recent revelations of governmental violations of the Constitution have changed the judicial climate and judicial powers looking for a way to force Obama out, see this case as doing the job while leaving their hands relatively clean. One can only hope.