Zev Porat

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Justice Kennedy's HATE SPEECH - Can sweep away State Constitutions regarding marriage

These decisions, handed down by the Court today, affect to be limited in their reach, but they are even worse than they appear, and they cannot be cabined. They lay down the predicates for litigation that will clearly unfold now, and with short steps sure to come, virtually all of the barriers to same-sex marriage in this country can be swept away. Even constitutional amendments, passed by so many of the states, can be overridden now. The engine put in place to power this drive is supplied by Justice Kennedy's "hate speech," offering itself as the opinion of the Court in U.S. v. Windsor. Kennedy wrote for the Court in striking down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the part of the act that recognized as "marriage," in federal law, only the union of a man and woman.

In Kennedy's translation, the Defense of Marriage Act showed its animus in its very title: The defense of marriage was simply another way of disparaging and "denigrating" gays and lesbians, and denying dignity to their "relationships." As Justice Scalia noted so tellingly in his dissent, Kennedy could characterize then as bigots the 85 senators who voted for the Act, along with the president (Clinton) who signed it. Every plausible account of marriage as a relation of a man and woman can then be swept away, as so much cover for malice and blind hatred.


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