Thursday, June 6, 2013

Has Marco Rubio Lost His Mind? - Show Us Evidence of Obama Fraud!

“If that birth certificate was fraudulent,…someone would have turned up that evidence by now.”
 - Marco Rubio   June 5, 2013

PPSIMMONS: Is he really this ignorant? Is he being evasive? Is there something nefarious with his agenda? Could he be running scared that perhaps HIS BC will be next for investigation? 
Remember  - this is the SAME GUY who attacked Michele Bachmann for exposing the Muslim Brotherhood connection to the Obama Government. Michele was correct! Yet, Rubio was the FIRST (before any Democrat!) to attack her.  This guy is a real piece of work. He is certainly a RINO at the least - something else at the worst.


Sen. Marco Rubio Challenges Arpaio’s Office to Show Evidence of Obama Birth Certificate Fraud
Posted By Sharon Rondeau On Wednesday, June 5, 2013 @ 11:12 PM


by Sharon Rondeau, H/T  GiveUsLiberty1776

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida told a Tea Party town hall meeting on Monday that he was aware of the Arpaio investigation but had not heard of any “evidence” being produced to show that Obama’s documents are fraudulent

(Jun. 5, 2013) — In a Skype interview between The Villages Tea Party and Sen. Marco Rubio on June 3, a citizen interviewer asked Rubio a question submitted by a member of the public which related that Sheriff Joe Arpaio had recently sent a member of his Cold Case Posse to “a meeting or convention” to discuss Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate posted on the White House website more than two years ago.

The questioner was referring to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers’ Association (CSPOA) convention held in St. Charles, MO this past weekend, at which Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo gave two presentations, the second of which was for credentialed attendees only who were required to pledge confidentiality about the information they were given.

The public meeting had a reported 300 peace officers, sheriffs, public and elected officials, and attorneys, while the limited-access gathering contained about 60 people.
The moderator completed the question to Rubio, “…Will DC finally investigate the birth certificate fraud issue?”

Rubio responded that he did not hear the question completely, asking, “Which birth certificate issue?  It’s garbled…I heard you say something about Chicago,” appearing a bit tense and blinking his eyelids rapidly.
The questioner had mistakenly identified Chicago as the location of the CSPOA.  However, she correctly identified Rep. Steve Stockman as the “keynote speaker” at the convention.  “Is DC finally going to investigate the fraud issue, whether he was born in the United States, but his release of his birth certificate and that it was fraudulent to begin with?” the moderator finished.

Rubio then responded, “Well, I haven’t heard the discussion that you’re outlining about the president’s birth certificate,” but admitted to knowing about “the Arpaio investigation.”  He then began speaking very quickly, saying, “If that birth certificate was fraudulent,…someone would have turned up that evidence by now.”
In response to his statement, members of the audience audibly said, “They have.” Rubio, however, continued speaking, his speech markedly accelerating, asking how “we’re going to recover” from Obama’s record spending, decrying over-regulation and the health care bill.  Almost breathlessly, he rambled, “We have to start realizing that we’re going to have a chance here in the next couple years, first with the elections of 2014 with the Congress, and hopefully we can take a majority of the Senate, and then in 2016, to once again start to undo some of the damage that this president has done…We should not underestimate the serious damage that all these decisions are doing to our country…some people will go out of business because they cannot comply with Obamacare and its mandates…and these are the things we need to start talking about and thinking about that right now.”

The moderator then shifted her focus by reading another question which had been submitted on a different topic.  In the context of the question, the moderator joked with Rubio about his response speech to Obama’s State of the Union address, when Rubio had taken a drink from a water bottle on a nearby table for which he was later ridiculed by political opponents. Rubio’s office had responded by selling bottles of water for $25.00 each, raising in excess of $125,000 for his political action committee.
In a visit with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the following week, Rubio capitalized on the publicity from the incident by exchanging a water bottle toast with Netanyahu following a formal photo-op session.

The long-form birth certificate image bearing Obama’s name remains on the White House server despite its having been declared an unequivocal forgery

For several months, Zullo has been meeting with “VIPs” to show them the evidence the posse has gathered which proves that the birth certificate image is a “computer-generated forgery.”  Having met with several people at CPAC in mid-March, the number of interested parties has reportedly grown, with a significant event planned for the near future.  Zullo’s appearance at CSPOA was an ancillary one, and he reportedly has more meetings scheduled with those who could be in a position to take action on the evidence.
In addition to the long-form birth certificate image proving to be a forgery, the Cold Case Posse found that Obama’s Selective Service registration form is also fraudulent.

CSPOA was founded by Sheriff Richard Mack, who told Carl Gallups in an interview on Tuesday that he had initially believed that the birth certificate was a “non-issue” until seeing the evidence for himself this past weekend.  Gallups, who had accompanied Zullo to CPAC and often interviews him to disseminate the latest news on the investigation, has a background in law enforcement and hosts a radio show, “Freedom Friday with Carl Gallups,” which airs on Fridays from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. CT.

Zullo, Mack, Gallups, Arpaio and others are calling upon Congress to investigate the fraudulent birth certificate and Selective Service registration form as well as to find the answers to questions about the Social Security number Obama appears to be using.  Zullo has offered to travel to any “VIP,” which includes members of Congress, to show him or her the evidence in his possession.

In February, Zullo extended an offer to former Secretary of State and Joint Chiefs Chairman Colin Powell of an all-expenses-paid trip to Maricopa County, AZ, including lodging and meals, to show Powell the evidence the posse had collected after Powell had ridiculed “birtherism nonsense” attributed to the Republican Party.  Powell did not respond to the public challenge.

Since Zullo’s offer was made to Powell, a federally-certified document examiner who has performed work for Obama’s law firm, Perkins Coie, has gone on the record to say that Obama’s White House .pdf birth certificate image was a complete fabrication and a 100% forgery.”

For the last five years, members of Congress, the press, elected officials at all levels and many members of the public have been in denial, first regarding Obama’s lack of documentation and questionable constitutional eligibility, and later, about indications and analyses from graphics experts that the birth certificate image and Selective Service card did not originate with authentic, paper documents.
GiveUsLiberty1776 reported that as of 3:30 p.m. PDT, an individual had contacted Zullo to advise him of Rubio’s assertion that no evidence had yet become “public” on Obama’s fraudulent birth certificate.

Editor’s Note:  The Cold Case Posse operates strictly on donations which are solicited so that it can continue its work on the Obama document fraud investigation.

© 2013, The Post & Email. All rights reserved. Reproduced on PPSIMMONS News by permission.

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