Thursday, June 6, 2013

STUNNER! Bible once again rises to TOP of best-seller list in NORWAY!

This undated photo provided by Oslo theater Det Norske Teatret shows actors rehearsing a scene from

*Personal note from Mike Shoesmith:

I spent 4 years in Norway where tiny pockets of faith exist but where there is mostly godlessness and superstition in the overall culture. The reality of the Bible rising to the country's #1 book is indeed good news. Rejoice with me.

OSLO, Norway (AP) — It may sound like an unlikely No. 1 best-seller for any country, but in Norway— one of the most secular nations in an increasingly godless Europe — the runaway popularity of the Bible has caught the country by surprise. The Scriptures, in a new Norwegian language version, even outpaced "Fifty Shades of Grey" to become Norway's best-selling book.

The sudden burst of interest in God's word has also spread to the stage, with a six-hour play called "Bibelen," Norwegian for "the Bible," drawing 16,000 people in a three-month run that recently ended at one of Oslo's most prominent theaters.

Officials of the Lutheran Church of Norway have stopped short of calling it a spiritual awakening, but they see the newfound interest in the Bible as proof that it still resonates in a country where only 1 percent of the 5 million residents regularly attends church.
"Thoughts and images from the Bible still have an impact on how we experience reality," said Karl Ove Knausgaard, one of several famous Norwegian authors enlisted to help with the translation.

Scholars aren't surprised at the success of the plays or the new Bible translation, explaining that faith is a deeply personal matter in this nation of taciturn Scandinavians who regularly withdraw from city life to spend holidays at remote cottages in the solitude of the mountains, fjords and forests.

"Church attendance is a poor measure of the Norwegian state of faith," said post-doctoral fellow Thorgeir Kolshus at the University of Oslo. "Religion is a very private thing for Norwegians."

Anne Veiteberg, publishing director of Norway's Bible Society, said that increased immigration also probably has been a factor.

Michael D. Shoesmith
Social Networking Director
Ministry Coordinator

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