Zev Porat

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


By Billy Allmon

I find it totally amazing that a president can have so many scandals, and the Main Stream Media is so silent about it. One must ask the question, "where was all this media silence during the Bush Jr. years?" The other thing that is striking is how the Main Stream Media gives airtime to president Obama which is, for the most part, always positive. There would seem to be that there is no more investigative reporting to find out the real truth about what is going on in our government. If there was ever ANY doubt on which side of the political party that the Main Stream Media was leaning too… Their love affair with president Obama, has removed it!

The profound secularism of Obama, and his cronies in recent years, has driven out the very concept of a God in our culture, a God who decrees right and wrong, and make no mistake, God will one day hold each of us accountable for our deeds. Changing this ideology with a relativistic culture where there is no such thing as unbiased morality, and an existentialist worldview of "living for the moment" with no sense of inevitable justice and eternal consequences. God and prayer have and are being removed from our schools, military, money (in God we trust), our pledge of allegiance, and our public buildings.

Admirers of Obama exhibit cult-like worship that makes the followers of Jim Jones look kindergarten-ish in comparison. People who oppose Obama are quickly labeled racists, and haters of Obama because he is black, never mind that as a president he has exhibited to be nothing but a power hungry incompetent fool. I find it astounding that progressive liberals will readily give up any friendship over a total stranger (Obama), just because a friend thinks Obama is an idiot. 

The Obama cult followers are educated and indoctrinated progressive liberal lackeys, and they have turned their backs on Truth, Honor, God, and Morality. No person who seeks the last four could ever support someone like Obama.

To the Obama cult followers, Obama is in fact the secularist's savior, and sending economic experts to oppose this type of competition is idiocy. Our economy is a consequence of the progressive liberal manipulation of our culture. 

Read the US communist goals, and you'll see that "social issues" are their weapons (why does the GOP ignore this?). The agenda of the progressive liberal cult followers of Obama is to destroy the American family unit, 'sexualize' our culture, turn the mission of Churches from salvation, to "social justice," and propagandize everything and everyone, from the environment to looking for excuses to give a pass to the pedophiles that threaten our innocent children. "Dependency on government must first be made a state of mind," before it is an economic certainty. Victimization is their weapon of choice, and "political correctness" is their ammo.

Our country is being divided and torn apart by the Progressive Liberal Party… Obama and all of his cult followers are laughing at the progress of it all! The people who do not see what is truly happening in our country are the ones who choose not to! Why is that? Because they will NEVER see ANY fault in their beloved messiah… Obama.

Our very freedoms are under attack… Do not standby and do nothing! Get involved, call your representatives and let your voices be heard!

Remember - -

Daniel 11:36
"The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place.

Billy Allmon - Ret Navy Seal

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