Saturday, June 8, 2013

OH SNAP! Professor From Columbia Comes Forward Saying Obama Never Attended the University! "NEVER HEARD OF OBAMA!"


 By Wayne Allen Root



My life has crossed paths with President Obama on multiple occasions. According to Obama, we were Columbia University classmates, both Pre Law and Political Science majors in the Class of ’83. I also ran against Obama in 2008 on the Libertarian Party Presidential ticket. What are the odds?

But something about “the Obama at Columbia story” has always bothered me. Earlier in the week right here at The Blaze I wrote about having just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated with my esteemed classmates. Everyone except Barack Obama. As usual- he wasn’t there. Not a trace. Not a video greeting. Not a letter. I could not find any classmates who knew him.

I called Obama “the Ghost of Columbia University.” I pointed out (as I’ve said in the media for many years now) that Obama may have been registered at Columbia, may have graduated from Columbia, but he was rarely (if ever) seen for the two years in-between. It’s a strange, mysterious and frightening story.

Is he the real-life “Manchurian Candidate?” What explains Obama having just enough skeletal proof that he was there (one photo, one roommate, one professor, one friend)…but never seen in a class, never on anyone’s radar screen, almost invisible. A total 2-year blackout. It’s like a story straight out of a novel about the CIA or KGB. He graduated Columbia, but it’s almost as if he never went there.

To make matters more mysterious, Obama’s college records are sealed. He’s had plenty of opportunities to authorize the release, to clear the air. He has never chosen to do so. But why? What has he got to hide? Funny enough Obama has never had a problem ripping open the sealed records of his political opponents. Every step of his career Obama has beaten his opponents by having sealed documents just happen to be publicly exposed by anonymous sources. But not Obama. His records are always unavailable (and never leaked). Obama always seems to have powerful forces on his side.

Did he attend Columbia as a foreign student? That was the educated guess I made in my appearance on “Hannity” on Fox News a year ago. The only photo of Obama from his Columbia days was in his off-campus apartment with a roommate described by USA Today as a Pakistani national, pot smoker, and cocaine abuser. If you’re a foreign student, you live in housing off-campus with other foreign students.

That would also explain how he transferred to Columbia. Transferring into an Ivy League school is all but impossible. I did a little digging and found out only 3 transfer students in all of America were accepted into Columbia in the past academic year. Three students out of 315 million Americans. Yet those who knew Obama at Occidental called him a pot smoker and partier who rarely attended class. You’re telling me that a poor student, with that record, at an average college, was accepted for transfer into prestigious Columbia University? Only if he was an exotic Indonesian foreign student transferring into a college that desperately wanted to claim an ethnically and globally diverse student body.

Still that might explain how Obama got into Columbia. But where was he for those two years? My gut instincts say something is wrong with “the Obama at Columbia story.” Very wrong. Rancid.

But until now, I was the only one publicly voicing my suspicions. That just changed in a big way. Meet Professor Henry Graff, perhaps the most legendary and honored professor ever at Columbia University. He was THE American History and Diplomatic History professor at Columbia for 46 years. And he is more emphatic than yours truly that there are no Obama footprints at Columbia.

I was put on Professor Graff’s trail by another Columbia classmate, skeptical about Obama’s story. He told me that Professor Graff had been the speaker for the Class of ’53 last weekend at Columbia. My friend was watching Graff answer questions from the crowd when he was asked about Obama at Columbia. Graff said, “I have my doubts he ever went here.”

I did some digging and located Graff’s home phone number. I called him yesterday. Now retired, he was delighted to hear from me. He agreed to go on the record about Obama. Unlike Obama, Professor Graff clearly remembered me. He was thrilled to hear from his former student. I was in several of Graff’s classes and he remembered me like it was yesterday. He sounded great- like he hasn’t lost any of his trademark sharpness in 30 years since we last met.

I was honored to learn that this legendary historian has been following my political career for many years. But he had no such cheery things to say about the President. Graff said, “I taught at Columbia for 46 years. I taught every significant American politician that ever studied at Columbia. I know them all. I’m proud of them all. Between American History and Diplomatic History, one way or another, they all had to come through my classes. Not Obama. I never had a student with that name in any of my classes. I never met him, never saw him, never heard of him.”

Even more importantly, Professor Graff knew the other history and political science professors. “None of the other Columbia professors knew him either” said Graff.

Graff concluded our interview by saying, “I’m very upset by the whole story. I am angry when I hear Obama called ‘the first President of the United States from Columbia University.’ I don’t consider him a Columbia student. I have no idea what he did on the Columbia campus. No one knows him.”

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A few days before the 2012 presidential elections, businessman Donald Trump implored Barack Obama to release his college transcripts and passport records.


  1. Actually there are quite a few students and professors who say they remember President Obama in Columbia, but the birthers religiously ignore them in their Unholy Crusade. But suppose any of that BS was true; suppose he never attended Columbia, and the school maybe shouldn't have awarded him a degree.

    That has nothing to do with his eligibility, of course. There's no requirement that you graduate from college before becoming president. What it really is, is a good reason not to vote to re-elect him in 2012.

    Oh, wait. OK, what it really means is that birthers get to say more lies about him, being unpatriotic, unAmerican SCUM. Otherwise, even if any of it was true it would be entirely meaningless. Do you think Congress is going to impeach him because one of the finest schools in this great nation says he attended and graduated from their university? Don't make me laugh.

    Hey Gallups, I'd like to congratulate you on being one of the last grifters still standing. So many other birther grifters have given up trying to scam money from the lunatic moron birthers, but you're still at it, along with Orly Taitz. Fine company you keep, huh?


    1. just to make a few points about your "highly educated" comment

      1. like all other Obots the best you can do is call names
      2. if you have "proof" that Obama is LEGALLY qualified to be president then present that proof, this challenge has been issued many times and no one including Obama himself has done so
      3. if these "quite a few" students who do remember Obama exist then have them come forward in a public way, i know Carl Gallups personally and have for 36 years, i know that if someone has LEGITIMATE info on Obama being eligible for POTUS or any other LEGITIMATE evedence that clears his his oh so cloudy past that he would present that evidence and admit he has made a mistake

      by the fact that all you have done here is call names and make the same bogus arguments that have been made about the LEGITIMACY of this man fir the last 6 years you expose yourself for whatbyou are, just another Obot, possible payed troll, or to stoop to your level just an IDIOT who would claim Obama was eligible if he stood before the world and presented his REAL KENYAN birth certificate!!

      waiting on ALL that PROOF you have!!


    2. Gallo De Niebla Hmmm hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. I don't blame you!

    3. Obama spent 5 million dollars to seal his records... WHO DOES THAT?... please... Gallo De Niebla, it must smell awful bad up there with your head that far up your keester. Very soon you are going to feel like a complete fool.

  2. one of these days, all those who have ignored the eye witnesses, will begin to understand we are here with the truth. Back on 9/14/12 I filed my eye witness affidavit with the Sec of State of Kansas then this staff spent over an hour locating records. i could not be told, but was glad they were checking for them the birth at Forbes Air Force base hospital, marriage to Obama Sr arranged by his grandfather in early 6/61 so he'd have a name and the death 3/61 of the murder of his alleged real Dad in the racist attack on is parents and the three bodies washed up on a sandbar about Mother's day of 62 an done had a rope around his neck and then thy wouldn't believe the eyewitness President Obama's mother who could n;t e the authorities to be lived as they didn't want to believe that three had gone under the water and never came up.
    I was able to provide al the info and I asked them to check Forbes under Barry soetoro and I heard a gasp from the staff for some reason the last thing wanted to reveal is that birth certificate. I've had extensive experience and made decisions on age and citizenship since 1968 for social security and if there was ad=n adoption that in itself would not alter eligibility. But if there was a revocation of citizenship it should be noted on the certificate NOT FOR CITIZENSHIP PUPSES" ad the file number of the US dept of Stet documented on there. The lady that was helping me insisted she would go tot he library that weekend in Topeka Ks and get the birth announcement which was in the paper under Mr and Mrs Barack Obama baby boy for Forbes. My mother took Ann to the hospital to have hm and stayed until late afternoon having gone at night. dad said to meat breakfast that mom had called and Ann had had her baby. I never head back form the woman who helped me. But recently a facebook friend who has been doing a lot of checking got a response back that the 1961 an 1962 newspaper archives were missing form the Topeka Public Library. Someone has gone to a lot of trouble to cover up the Topeka KS birth and the only logical reason for it must be what is on the certificate? I also called Orly Taitz tat weekend and as told her what had occurred and thought she would ask for the court order for the record next week for the judge. she didn't o so and the case is still open in KS waiting for er to ask. This should have all been over in 9/12 and the cause for justice for three dead and no justice for 52 years have some closure. but not to be/ , Many of the birthers got involved in taking money for books and movies based on a false bio and facts and have themselves in a legal conundrum they can;t get our of. others don;t want the truth to come out, whatever it be. That;s what I want truth and justice and don't forget this is a cold case murders of three and hoped Lt Zullo and Sheriff Joe could get into that as law enforcement as all the info about the birth, etc is in it after the bodies washed up , but witnesses have not talked and everyone in Topeka KS sees very afraid to for several reasons, ad mostly it seems over the murders and not the birth certificate. the civil war in ks will not be over until this incident of thee murders is finally given its deserved attention. the owners of the Topeka capital journal even deleted the online link to the article about the bodies washing up on a sand bar so they are complicit in covering up three murders. Yes, persons of interest are at Westboro Baptist church as they were harassing the interracial couple, and I witnessed that my self. SO bad he was virtually dropped out of school over it and was off the foot ball team by 11/60. Only his arm is in the football team picture #64 in the yearbook with his replacement pasted over him.. he was written out of history for being a racist murder victim? School officials could do nothing as they would do it off school property. Linda Joy Adams
