Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rush Limbaugh says Obama leading ‘COUP D’ETAT’ to take over America yet PPSIMMONS has been saying that for YEARS! Obama is a Saudi/Muslim Plant practicing taquiyya! WAKE UP AMERICA!

President Barack Obama and his administration are leading a “coup d’etat” to “take over” the United States, Rush Limbaugh claimed on his radio show Friday.

Reflecting on the administration’s recently-discovered massive domestic surveillance programs, Limbaugh argued there is a “coup” taking place to subvert what the kind of country the United States has always been.

“[It's] not a violent coup, and not a militaristic coup, but nevertheless a takeover of a government, and it’s being done by the Obama administration,” he said.

If you are a long-term fan of PPSIMMONS you will know that we reported Obama's intention to overthrow America back in 2010. Avi Lipkin, a friend of PPSIMMONS exposed the information gleaned by his wife Rachel that Obama is actually a Saudi plant. This video now has 4.5 million views.

Finally, 'El Rushbo' catches up with PPSIMMONS!

Even funny man Stephen Colbert has turned on Obama calling him "a tyrannical despot who ignores all the rules."

Taqiyya: Lying To Spread Islam

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