Wednesday, June 5, 2013

STUNNER! Zullo "SCHOOLS" Orly Taitz on Obama SSN Debacle!

PPSIMMONS: "Orly needs to call off the 'dogs' on this one. She simply is wrong in her insistence that Sheriff Arpaio 'file charges' and she continues to 'muddy the water.'

PPSIMMONS Exclusive  June 5, 2013
PPSIMMONS Radio     Host - Carl Gallups
                                        Guest - Mike Zullo
                                        Topic - Orly Taitz and the Obama SSN

A paragraph from an article on Orly Taitz' website urging Arpaio to 'file criminal charges' on Obama.

"Arpaio arrests 28 people for using fake Social Security numbers, saying it is a class 4 felony and stating that he is trying to help the President and the country due to unemployment, yet through his sidekicks Zullo and Jeffries (sic) he claims that Obama’s use of a stolen Social Security number is not a crime. Shame! Demand Arpaio to stop playing games and file a criminal complaint against Obama, first and for most (sic) for using a stolen Social Security number, as well as forged IDs as a basis for his identity while running for the U.S. President"

Listen to Mike Zullo and Carl Gallups discuss the issue here 

HOT HOT!  Penn. Police Chief: Mike Zullo Has Made A Believer Out of Me!

HOT! Sheriffs are already responding to the Zullo revelations at the Sheriff's Convention!

HOT! Lawmen and Elected Officials SHOCKED over Zullo revelations!

PLEASE - consider a donation to the CCP investigation work. All the work, investigation, and travel is done by donation only. No taxpayer money is being used in this endeavor. This truly is a WE THE PEOPLE grassroots movement. We are closer now than ever of having this matter before congress so some real action can take place. Much more work is to be done, much more travel and time will be involved. Please help if you can. Get others involved also. Thank you and God bless you.

You may also mail your donation to us at:
MCSO Cold-Case Posse
P.O. Box 74374
Phoenix, Arizona 85087

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Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer, and a long-time senior pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

BREAKING!     Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders.  Read the story HERE:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Orly, We love you and appreciate you. We appreciate the work you have done in this case for years. But, you REALLY need to let this SSN thing go - as far as demanding that Arpaio press charges. YOU press charges and be done with it. How about getting on board with the rest of us and HELP us - instead of working against us. It really is unbecoming of you and your previous work. Let it go and get on board.
