Wednesday, June 5, 2013

STUNNING REVELATION! OBOTS are in a TIZZY over this one!

"This ought to serve as a warning shot across the bow to the naysayers of our criminal investigation..."
- Mike Zullo

On June 1, 2013 Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse lead investigator, Mike Zullo, revealed for the first time that Reed Hayes of Hawaii is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in an Alabama court affidavit. Hayes' report concluded that Obama's White House .pdf birth certificate image was a complete fabrication and a 100% forgery.

The rabid followers of the "O" (Obots) have rushed to denounce Reed Hayes as a "quack." However, one might be surprised to learn that one of Hayes' clients listed in the Expert Witness Directory at this link is an attorney with Perkins-Coie Law Firm. 

Perkins - Coie is the law practice whose partners have provided Obama's personal defense against all birth certificate and natural born citizen litigation over the past five years.  Hmmmmm.  Very interesting indeed

Reed Hayes

If it turns out that Sheriff Arpaio is successful in getting Congress to investigate the authenticity of Obama's BC, the Perkins-Coie legal team, who will be defending Obama, will be hard pressed to simply dismiss Reed Hayes as a "quack."  This fact will be especially significant now that it is a revealed and proven  truth that members of the Perkins - Coie  firm have used Hayes as an expert witness! Their own prior cases, where Hayes was used as a witness, would be severely compromised if they use Saul Alinski-styled mocking  attacks on Hayes.

Reportedly, Obama operatives are already pummeling Hayes with e-mails trying to discover the details in his 40-page forensic analysis of the pdf BC. Thus far Hayes has properly refused to disclose any details. Hayes simply refers the detractors to Arpaio and the CCP who, by the way, now legally own his report.
(Who says Arpaio, Zullo,, aren't brilliant?)

It is further reported that the Obama operative attempt to find "dirt" on Hayes was quickly derailed by their discovery that Hayes had a male "partner" (now deceased). Hayes' partner had been an ACLU lawyer in Hawaii. It stands to reason that Hayes himself was a liberal progressive and likely an Obama supporter. It appears highly doubtful that Hayes was merely some Tea Party "birther" prior to being engaged to examine Obama's BC image.

These facts and stunning revelations ruin the usual Obot playbook firing off the smear tactics against the "birthers." It is reported that the Obots have even debated at length whether personal attacks might be suspended due to this discovery. Their plan is, allegedly, to only attack the Hayes work product. 

CCP lead investigator  Mike Zullo says, regarding the Hayes revelation, "This ought to serve as a warning shot across the bow to the naysayers of our criminal investigation in the Obama fraud case. The impressive credentials of Mr. Hayes, and the fact that he has testified in court cases for Perkins-Coie coupled with the fact that Mr. Hayes is a registered Democrat, demonstrates the integrity of our investigation and our conviction that we possess incontrovertible evidence to back our case. It must be emphasized that we possess much more evidence similar to this revelation that we have not yet released for public information."

Carl Gallups (PPSIMMONS Radio) says, "This is the kind of stuff we have been urging our listeners and subscribers to 'trust us' on. We have been knowing about evidence like this for a long, long time. There is a proper time and place for this kind of information to be released. Trust me, there's a lot more like this and even better than this that is yet to come. This is the kind of information that law enforcement officials and congressmen are now seeing with their own eyes. This matter is far from over. It's just beginning."
We at PPSIMMONS News believe that revelations such as this serve to reveal the true nature of the Obamabot camp and the deception that has been used for the last 5 years - regarding the issue of the legal identification of the man in the White House.

This is going to get very interesting - indeed.  Stay tuned. PPSIMMONS News will cover it all!

From the original article at:
Seizethecarp @ Free Republic

Video Version Of This Report:

HOT HOT!  Penn. Police Chief: Mike Zullo Has Made A Believer Out of Me!

HOT! Sheriffs are already responding to the Zullo revelations at the Sheriff's Convention!

HOT! Lawmen and Elected Officials SHOCKED over Zullo revelations!

PLEASE - consider a donation to the CCP investigation work. All the work, investigation, and travel is done by donation only. No taxpayer money is being used in this endeavor. This truly is a WE THE PEOPLE grassroots movement. We are closer now than ever of having this matter before congress so some real action can take place. Much more work is to be done, much more travel and time will be involved. Please help if you can. Get others involved also. Thank you and God bless you.

You may also mail your donation to us at:
MCSO Cold-Case Posse
P.O. Box 74374
Phoenix, Arizona 85087

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Pastor Carl Gallups is a best selling author, a conservative talk show host veteran, former Florida law enforcement officer, and a long-time senior pastor of a large Gulf Coast Baptist church. He is the founder of the mega-viral and world famous PPSIMMONS YouTube channel. His face, voice, opinions, and ministry materials are known to millions around the world.

BREAKING!     Carl Gallups and WND Books have a brand new and profoundly sensational book on its way accompanied by a full length documentary movie featuring internationally renowned Christian leaders.  Read the story HERE:


  1. Once again I can TRUST Zullo and Gallups. They have been telling us for months that they have stunning information and evidence in this case. Here is just ONE example...and Gallups and Zullo say there is MORE TO COME! Hang on people....hang on.

  2. The Greatest Fraud Perpetrated in American History!
    “Food For Thought”
    Semper Fi!

  3. How fitting, that on this day..June 6,2013 the anniversary of D-day June 6,1944. when true hero's gave all to fight tyranny and oppression. I give my heartfelt thanks to these true hero's, who are also fighting tyranny and oppression, Against all odds, these American patriots will shed light on the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on our young nation. For God and Country.. we salute you !!!

  4. I hope Mr Hays is taking appropriate security measures. Desperate people do desperate things. Anyone willing to commit the biggest fraud in America is also willing to do anything to keep it quiet.

  5. Hey Carl and the rest of you, you keep saying wait, wait, wait, how much damn time do you think is left before America is completely banbkrupt or COMPLETELY over run with illegal immigrants, or under marshall law, or we don't have a single shred of privacy left in our loves or all of the above. You guys act like you are going to a damn picnic or a Sunday gathering with all of this. If you aren't aware people's lives are at stake you know. Get a damn move on all this shit already.

  6. It's evidence for a potential legal case against persons close to the president and even the president himself... why would they 'publish' it?
