Zev Porat

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Did you find it curious that the protests against the Zimmerman verdict exhibited a prominent anti-Capitalism theme?

Racists must blame Capitalism for Trayvon Martin's death. If they allow America to honestly examine the content of Trayvon Martin's character then the immense failures of the Liberal-socialist worldview and its negative impact on American society—typified in Trayvon—will be illuminated by the light of truth, the light of Liberty that once shone brightly over the 'Land of the Free' because our country embraced the Judeo-Christian worldview that resulted in the formation of a constitutional Republic—the antithesis of that form of government which the Liberal-socialist "Master Thinkers," or "Legislative Leaders" strive to impose upon the American experiment in 'government of the People.'


Yesterday, June 18th, 2013, I listened to a man I highly respect, former governor Huckabee, spew what about what a wonderful family Trayvon came from. 'Gov.' Huckabee is a Brother in the risen Lord Jesus Christ. I rather expected more from him. Trayvon's parents don't have the same last name. Trayvon's biological "Baby Daddy" was living with his "fiance." (Within the contemporary African-American sub-culture in America the two of them were "shacking up.")


Trayvon was in fact, for all intents and purposes just another de facto fatherless "Black" child in America. Trayvon's Baby Daddy, living the distance that he lived from Miami, where his Baby Momma lived, was in fact, by definition an absentee father.


Then today on the cable TV program 'The Five' I heard Bob Beckel say that Zimmerman "profiled" Trayvon because he was Black; that the incident would not have taken place if Trayvon had been White. That message being is being pushed across the racist spectrum of media instigators. Zimmerman stated in his phone call to the police that he saw an individual skulking around behind units in his housing complex in the rain at that early hour of the morning in the dark, not a person walking in such a manner as might be described as purposefully down a sidewalk. I recall the words "between the buildings" were used to emphasize the suspicious positioning of the person who Zimmerman was watching. When the dispatcher asked about the apparent color of the individual, what was Zimmerman's response? "Black, I think." Zimmerman was not even sure if the person he was observing was Black! The message that Zimmerman had observed an African American male and recognizing his skin color as being black proceeded to stalk the innocent young man is being forced upon the narrative with no evidence to support that such is the case.


Also on 'The Five,' the young guy, not Gutfeld or Beckel, I forget his name and it is not important here, said, echoing "Gov." Huckabee's assertion that Trayvon's parents are a beautiful "family,".that Trayvon's parents were beautiful—that Trayvon came from a beautiful family. Why all this obfuscation of the truth? They were not even a family before Trayvon was killed! Baby Momma lived in Miami and Baby Daddy lived with his current paramour, or in the street vernacular, his "ho."


Everybody in the media is simply obfuscating the fact that Trayvon was just another illegitimate bastard child fathered outside the covenant of marriage. There is a deliberate effort to falsely paint Trayvon as having come from a "beautiful family."


Like so many other effectively fatherless children like him within the African American demographic of American society, young Trayvon gravitated towards the idolization of the 'gangsta life,' violence—as demonstrated by his texts to his ghastly uneducated friend Jeantel—a poster child for everything that is wrong with the Liberal-socialist's Democratic welfare state Plantation if ever one there was—about fighting and other texts he had sent and received about acquiring or selling illegal firearms—and drugs—as indicated by other texts relating to his use of the concoction he described as "Lean" made from cough syrup, Arizona Iced Tea Watermelon Drink, and Skittles as well as from empirical evidence discovered in his autopsy indicative of liver and brain damage consistent—IN A 17 YEAR OLD!—with abuse of the codeine laced mixture that he abused for the "Lean" high which produces a basketful of horrendous personality disorders and dangerous psychological dispositions.

So the message is being pushed that Trayvon came from a wonderful family. The truth is that he came from the stereotypical African American household in America; one with a single 'Baby Momma' in place of a mother, and multiple absentee 'Baby Daddies' of 'Baby Momma's' multiple illegitimate bastard children. The reality of the picture is not pretty and the impact on American society is likewise hideous.


Is there any wonder why so many young Black men gravitate towards the substitution for love that is extended to them by male father substitutes within the organization of gangs? Is there any wonder why so many young black males in America are full of so much anger? Their 'Baby Daddies' regularly abandon them. As in the case of the current illegal occupant of the Oval Office, the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa, Mister Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Soebarkah, a.k.a. Harrison J. Bounel—illegal because he fraudulently represented himself as constitutionally eligible to be president while knowingly not so—the question most pertinent to the background of children in America today as it has been proven to be an immensely important factor in their social well-being is 'Who's your Daddy?'


Is there any wonder that 78-80% of those incarcerated in America, THE SOCIETY WHICH IMPRISONS A LARGER PERCENTAGE OF HER POPULATION THAN ANY OTHER SOCIETY IN RECORDED HUMAN HISTORY, are effectively fatherless, raised-up in a home with a "Baby Momma' acting as both father and mother?

"I want to know what makes people angry enough to attack someone the way Trayvon Martin did." Robert Zimmerman Jr., brother of George Zimmerman, in response to CNN anchor Don Lemmon on Piers Morgan's show following the verdict in the Zimmerman trial when Mr. Lemmon asked, "You said you want to start some sort of dialogue, and much has been made about race in this particular case. And you, your brother, your family—you have a unique opportunity in this country to address that. What would you like to see happen when it comes to race, healing the divide, and do you plan to do anything about that, and will you ask your brother to do anything about that?"


Robert Zimmerman, what makes people angry enough to attack others the way that Trayvon attacked your brother is the absence of a mother and a father—the absence of a family—and only the poor substitutes of a Baby Momma and a Baby Daddy in the place of a mother and a father—like yours.


Not all fatherless males become nothing more than a sad statistic. Some rise above the disadvantages of being raised within the cultural norms embraced by much of the African American community and much of the rest of America as well. Dr. Ben Carson for example. Personally, I'd love to see him run for Vice-president on an Independent ticket with Dr. Alan Keyes as his presidential running mate. But, "How can that be?" The delusional Liberal-socialist reading this comment asks. "This Chris Farrell MUST be a racist." Not at all. There is only one race; the Human race.


As surely as George Zimmerman was found innocent of having committed any crime, Trayvon Martin was found guilty of having put George Zimmerman in a position wherein he was forced to legally employ deadly force. As surely as Trayvon was found guilty, the Liberal-socialist, Democrat Welfare State Plantation was found guilty of inflicting upon American society ANOTHER angry young, effectively fatherless, illegitimate bastard child who identified with the pants-hanging-down-to-the-back-of-their-knees ghetto-glorified "Thug-Life," and in a violent incident of his acting out upon his gangsta-glorifying life-style lost his life at the business end of a legally carried sidearm.


America needs to stop the madness and stop financially subsidizing the increase in the numbers of such angry young statistically probable to be incarcerated criminals being inflicted upon the fabric of American society by the policies inflicted upon the American experiment by Liberal-socialist, racial discord pandering, racist incident profiteers.


If a single woman becomes pregnant and cannot afford to raise her child in such a manner that that child is not likely to wind up on the conveyor belt into the unparalleled in productivity American prison system, then that child should be raised in an orphanage with love, good food, good health care—mental, spiritual, and physical health care, in order that said child has a fair chance to avoid the currently existing de facto conveyor belt into America's prison system.


America must stop giving single women with children free housing, more money in Food Stamps for every additional child conceived out of Holy Matrimony, more money in her income tax for each additional illegitimate bastard she inflicts upon our country, etc.... Like everything else, if the government subsidizes it, the result is that society experiences more of it.


Trayvon didn't have a mother and a father. Those terms should be honored as descriptive of two parents who have entered into a covenant with the Creator from whom all men are endowed with certain unalienable Rights; the covenant of marriage. What 'Gov.' Huckabee and the dude on 'The Five' have deliberately obviated—Geraldo Rivera did it to the day after the verdict in the Zimmerman trial was announced too—is the fact that Trayvon did not come from what they describe as a "wonderful" family.


Trayvon came from a typical African-American household: One with an absentee 'Baby Daddy,' (who by the way texted Trayvon about illegal firearms), and a struggling 'Baby Momma.' Trayvon's step-brother seems to be doing quite well. He's in college and, after listening to him speak on a television broadcast, I notice is an articulate, rational, decent young man—one who I pray and hope in Jesus' name winds up as successful as Dr. Ben Carson and not like the personification of the 'Thug-Life' Tupac Shakur. (I was about 40 feet away from 2pac at the corner of Flamingo Road and Koval in Las Vegas when he was riddled with bullets while stopped at the red light.)

The late Tupac Shakur showing his infamous 'Thug Life' tattoo.


Perhaps if Trayvon's Baby Momma and Baby Daddy truly are my Brother and Sister in the risen Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible who came in the flesh to save me and them and Trayvon, they will speak up about their mistake in embracing a cultural norm that is a substitute for what the Lord Jesus has ordained--the covenant of marriage—and into which he will enter and make it Holy. That's where the "Holy" in "Holy Matrimony" comes from. It comes from God's participation. We don't make it holy.


Also, to Trayvon's biological parents I offer this, my prayer that at some point in Trayvon's short life he was presented with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and is now in Abraham's Bosom, present with the Lord, and that when I go Home I meet him in Glory. If he is there, and I do hope so, he won't hate me for what I've written here.


The protests following George Zimmerman's acquittal had to turn to protestation against Capitalism; it was only natural for the Liberal-socialist Democrats to demonize Capitalism.


It is Liberal-socialism and the Democrat's de facto Plantation of America's Liberal-socialist welfare system that continues to feed the metaphorical conveyor belt into America's prison system that was found guilty in Sanford, Florida personified in the late Trayvon Martin. The jury of 'We the People' has reached its verdict: 'In God we trust,' NOT in the Liberal Socialist welfare state plantation of the Democrats.

It will take some time for the elitist faction within BOTH major political parties to get the message. Go to Dr. Alan Keyes' website loyaltoliberty.com to find out more about the message that 'We the People' need to deliver, and re-deliver until such time as the American experiment in 'government of the People' is back in the hands of 'We the People.'


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