Zev Porat

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Free school meals kill 21 children in India - proves Reagan adage about 'terrifying' government assistance!

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'" - Ronald Reagan

Free meals have fatally poisoned 21 children and a cook in a primary school in India's eastern State of Bihar. Medics proved powerless to treat the children, who are believed to have fallen ill after eating vegetables contaminated by insecticides.

The majority of the victims were under 10-years old and were poisoned after eating state-subsidized vegetarian meals consisting of rice, lentils and soybeans at a public school in Dahrmasati Gandawan village, some 60 kilometers north of the state capital Patna, The Times of India reported.

Some of the children started vomiting even before all of the children received their lunch, prompting school administrators to stop serving the meals. 

Medical brigades that arrived at the scene were unable to save 16 children, who died right on the school premises. Four more were later pronounced dead after being transported to hospital, one died in hospital later on. Some 30 children in total, along with a female cook, were hospitalized following the incident.


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