Zev Porat

Thursday, July 18, 2013

IRS Investigation one step closer to White House!


WASHINGTON — The investigation into the IRS practice of targeting conservative groups moved one step closer to the White House today in testimony before the House Oversight Committee.

Career IRS official Carter Hull, a self-described 501(c)4 expert with 48 years experience with the tax agency, testified the IRS chief counsel's office in Washington demanded information on the 2010 election activity of tea party groups applying for tax-exempt status.

Hull testified that instead of carrying out his recommendations to approve or deny tax-exempt status to conservative groups, Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS Exempt Organizations division, ordered tea party applications to go through a multi-level review that included her senior adviser and the office of the IRS chief counsel, a political appointee.

William Wilkins, one of two Obama administration political appointees at the IRS, leads the IRS chief counsel.


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