Zev Porat

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Open Letter To My Favorite Judge... by Chris Farrell

Judge Jeanine, On your next show how about you set up a wall with ALL the pictures of the deceased Trayvon and have a little talk about journalistic integrity; maybe even examine what the Society of Professional Journalists (spj.org) website has to say on ethics in journalism?


You could talk about the "race baiters" and the misleading efforts by various entities within the media as well as certain folks associated with certain political organizations/special interest groups. 

You could bring up Al Sharpton's inciting of violence; Mr. Obama's, (NOT the president for he was illegally elected while fraudulently representing himself as constitutionally eligible to be president), embracing of Trayvon as the son he never had without any background on the young man yet having been investigated or confirmed; Jamie Foxx's vitriolic threats of an impending 'black-lash' should Zimmerman be acquitted; or the instructional Tweets from has-been movie director Spike Lee intended on organizing a mob to literally attack George Zimmerman and family at their home.


Now that would be a good show.


Quite naturally you will be labeled a racist for presenting the facts and ALL the photos that have surfaced regarding the deceased young man—many his own photos which have been published from social media websites that he used or right off his cell phone.


Perhaps a new word will enter into journalistic terminology: to "portrayvon" an individual: To falsely portray an individual with irrelevant photographs of how they once looked as opposed to portraying them in the light of truth—how they at the time in question did in fact look.


Consider the photo of Trayvon that was plastered larger than life behind you when you were recently a guest on 'The View.' The producers of 'The View' were using one of those irrelevant photos of a much younger, child-looking Trayvon.


Then consider the video of Trayvon taken in the convenience store recorded only minutes before he died and the picture in the following article and please answer me this: Is it not unethical for media outlets to have bent over backwards in a most prejudicial manner to falsely "portrayvon" the dead young man as having been a cherubically innocent little boy several years younger and physically quite different than the reality that faced George Zimmerman in the dark?


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