Zev Porat

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The ugly truth about Trayvon

Exclusive: Mychal Massie notes, 'Martin made decision to behave like street thug'


Mychal Massie

There is one reason and one reason alone that Trayvon Martin is dead today: He attacked a man with a licensed firearm who used it. It's not pretty – it's not pleasant – but it's true.

George Zimmerman did not jump (read attack) Martin. Just the opposite. Martin attacked him. All else notwithstanding, Martin jumped Zimmerman for no defendable reason, and he paid the ultimate price for his ill-conceived decision.

George Zimmerman did not kill Martin because of the color of his skin, and it is a damnable lie to claim otherwise. George Zimmerman shot and killed Martin because Martin was attacking and beating him. The ugly truth is just that simple. To raise the specter of skin color and to clothe the event in vestiges of racialization and a zeitgeist of rampant racism is nothing more than an attempt to obfuscate that single, salient truth.

George Zimmerman was a member of his neighborhood watch. The function of a neighborhood watch is to watch and report suspicious and/or unlawful activities taking place in a particular neighborhood. It was dark, it was raining, and Martin appeared to be acting suspiciously. A neighborhood watch volunteer following for purposes of observation and giving the police accurate information is not an assault on color. I submit it is inculcated denial to not recognize this.

The jury might have been prevented from hearing certain facts about Martin, but those of us in the public weren't. Space doesn't permit me to detail all in print as I will in on-air interviews, but suffice it to say the figurative exhumation of Martin in the image of Emmett Till is an affront to even the most ignorant of racialists and morally opprobrious in the truest definition, but it's obviously not out of character for those eager to do same.


1 comment:

  1. Gov. Huckabee, I'm astonished by your remarks only minutes ago while a guest on FOX NEWS. You praised Trayvon's parents and described the verdict on George Zimmerman as an "injustice!" You held up Trayvon's parents as exemplary for having gone to Church to pray after the verdict. How about holding them up to show what kind of parents they truly are: A "Baby Momma" and a "Baby Daddy." Trayvon's biological "Baby Daddy" was and is living in sin with his current paramour--his present, as they say in the "Hood" "HO." Perhaps if Trayvon had been raised in a family with a mother and a father and not a "Baby Momma" and a "Baby Daddy" he would still be alive today. 78-80 Percent of those incarcerated in America come from effectively fatherless homes. America incarcerates a larger percentage of her population than any other society in the recorded history of humanity. George Zimmerman did the right thing in calling in the person skulking behind units in the housing complex at that hour in the morning--not briskly walking down a sidewalk on his way back to his own residence. George Zimmerman did the right thing in exiting his vehicle to get a location identifier for the police he had already called. George Zimmerman was accosted and struck, knocked down and mounted by his assailant who pummelled his head, breaking his nose sending blood running down his nasal cavity into his throat. George Zimmerman screamed for help. When the young man who had been abusing the 'Lean' Concoction--as evidenced by his autopsy results--reached for Zimmerman's gun and verbally threatened to kill him, Zimmerman had every right to unholster his weapon and fire upon his assailant. Perhaps if Trayvon had been raised in such a manner as not to glorify the violence of fighting--as he clearly did when one considers his text messages and photographs from his cell phone--perhaps he would not have attacked Zimmerman. If he had been raised by a father and a mother then perhaps Trayvon would not have been discovered at school to be carrying an unusual amount of jewelry and what the security personnel at his school described as "burglar tools." The Zimmerman verdict was right, and Governor Huckabee, you owe George Zimmerman an apology for suggesting that it was an 'injustice of our justice system.' You, as a Brother in the risen Lord Jesus of the Bible, the Christ who came in the flesh, should condemn the sinful lifestyle which led to our society being inflicted with the likes of Trayvon Martin, an illegitimate bastard child conceived outside the covenant of marriage--the stereotypical personification of the fatherless child problem plaguing the American prison system.
