Zev Porat

Monday, September 23, 2013

Huge Setback for Obama-Policy for Egypt

by Rev. Joda Collins

Obama and his administrations' actions that led to the February 11, 2011 overthrow of the Egyptian dictator Maubarak included the mandate that the Muslim Brotherhood be allowed official reinstatement as a viable political force in Egypt.  The strong-arm tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood helped that admitted and convicted terrorist organization rise to Presidential power in Egypt after the Obama-funded overthrow of Maubarak (a dictator that was not hostile to the United States) succeeded.

Today, the the Egyptians banned the Muslim Brotherhood as a political entity in Egypt.

This is a huge setback for Obama and his administration whose efforts to enthrone Muslim terrorists in political power in the middle East has became increasingly understood by America and the world.
This is a day of celebration for freedom loving Egyptians and freedom loving Americans.  Our world is a little safer today because of the failed Obama-policy in Egypt.  A rather huge chunk of the Obama-dream for changing America is devasted for the present time.  The battle continues in Syria as Obama-backed Islamic terrorists receive American taxpayer funds and weapons towards enthroning them as the political leaders of that country. 
  joda collins
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that my opinions are shared by anyone else.

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