Zev Porat

Friday, February 28, 2014

Was Loretta Fuddy Killed in the Water by a Scuba Diver? Weapon Exists Which Mimics Heart Attack in Victim - Undetectable

Loretta Jean Fuddy (April 12, 1948 – December 11, 2013) was an American health official and social worker from the U.S. state of Hawaii. Fuddy served simultaneously as the Director of theHawaii Department of Health and the Mayor of Kalawao County from 2011 until her death. Under Hawaii state law, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, who is appointed by the governor, simultaneously serves as the Mayor of Kalawao County while in office. (The Hawaii Department of Health administers Kalawao County).
Fuddy, who was born on April 12, 1948, was nicknamed "Deliana." She was raised in Kaimuki, on the island of Oahu, and graduated from Sacred Hearts Academy. In a 2013 interview, she described her upbringing as the motivation behind her career in public service, "I'm a child of the ’60s, the Kennedy era of 'ask what you can do for your country' public service and Catholic values." She received degrees in sociology, social work and public health from the University of Hawaii. Fuddy also completed doctoral studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in BaltimoreMaryland.
Fuddy worked in health and human services for forty years. More recently, she served as the Deputy Director of the Hawaii Department of Health from 2001 until 2002. She then became the Chief of Family Health Services for the state health department prior to her appointment as Director in 2011.
Fuddy became the acting Director of the Hawaii Department of Health on January 26, 2011. Governor Neil Abercrombie appointed her Director of the department on March 2, 2011. The Department of Health administers the small county of Kalawao, so Fuddy also became the Mayor of Kalawao County under Hawaii state law. Fuddy was the first social worker to serve as Hawaii's health director.
Loretta Fuddy was a key figure in the on-going Barack Obama birth certificate forgery case being investigated by sheriff Joe Arpaio's organized posse led by Mike Zullo. On December 11, 2013, Fuddy traveled to Kalawao County to for an annual meeting with the county's Hansen's disease patients as part of her duties as both Mayor and state health director. Fuddy and other officials concluded the meeting and boarded a plane to return to Honolulu. Her plane, a Makani Kai Cessna Caravan 208B, crashed into the Pacific Ocean off the north coast of Molokai shortly after takeoff from Kalaupapa Airport at approximately 3:30 p.m. Fuddy, who was 65 years old, was killed in the water following the crash. The eight other people on the plane, who included Deputy Health Director Keith Yamamoto, Kalaupapa National Park administrator Rosa Key, and the Makani Kai pilot, survived the crash and were rescued.
Below is a video of a possible reason for her death. PPSIMMONS does not endorse this finding but merely find it both interesting and compelling.

Now following is a very interesting video of testimony concerning a weapon which can be used to mimic a heart attack undetected. We'll leave the conclusions up to you.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


The Montana Democratic Party is insisting that Steve Daines, a Republican congressman running for Senate, of all things - must release his birth certificate! We kid you not.

The congressman was reportedly born in Southern California, but he was quoted in a 2002 Bozeman Daily Chronicle story, describing himself as a “third-generation Montanan.”

“The Congressman is so desperate for ties to Montana that he’s confused the facts and himself...”  “Congressman Daines has to get his bio straight,” The article says.

We at PPSIMMONS find this to be a very amusing and hypocritical turn of events. Are Democrats now "Birthers?"  As an illustration - simply substitute the words Obama for Daines and Montana for U.S.A. Here is what you get:

“Obama is so desperate for ties to the U.S.A. that he’s confused the facts and himself...”  “Obama has to get his bio straight.” Sound familiar?  See what we mean?


Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

Is closet homosexual Barrack Obama a German asset by proxy of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Breaking: Report: British Barrister's Claim Not Part of Cold Case Posse Investigation - Is Obama's HOUSE OF CARDS COMING DOWN?

by Sharon Rondeau
Barack Hussein Obama II announced his run for the presidency in Chicago, IL on February 7, 2007. Two months later, the biography in print since 1991 was changed to say that he was born in Honolulu, HI

(Feb. 26, 2014) — A video which has gone viral on the internet depicting British Barrister Michael Shrimpton stating that Obama was born in Kenya contains separate and distinct information from that which will be released in the near future by the Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse, The Post & Email has been told.

Earlier on Wednesday, The Post & Email asked "Freedom Friday" host Carl Gallups, who has been close to the Cold Case Posse's investigation, if the information imparted by Shrimpton is part of that which will be released next month, to which Gallups responded, "As far as I know this is not a part of the March announcement."

In September 2011, the posse began investigating the authenticity of the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website on April 27 of that year after businessman Donald Trump and others pressed Obama to show his detailed birth certificate to prove his birth in Hawaii. Until that time, a "short-form" Certification of Live Birth had been posted by an unknown source at The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008, for which former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs took credit in 2009.  At the time, Gibbs claimed that the short-form "document" was the only birth certificate available for Obama.

Obama's presumed birth in Hawaii allegedly proves his eligibility to serve as president under Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that the chief executive be a "natural born Citizen."  However, controversy has arisen over the meaning of the term used by the Founders after John Jay urged them to elevate the requirement from "Citizen" to "natural born Citizen."  Many scholars understand it to mean "born in the country to two parents who are citizens," although others have argued that a simple birth on U.S. soil suffices.

The posse publicly stated nearly two years ago that the long-form birth certificate image and Obama's Selective Service registration form are "computer-generated forgeries."  Rather than investigating themselves, the media attacked lead investigator Mike Zullo and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, particularly after their second press conference given on July 17, 2012, during which more details about their findings were revealed.

Zullo has stated that a "universe-shattering" announcement will be made soon, most likely next month.  Radio show host and founder of WheresObamasBirthCertificate.com has stated that members of Congress are now "working with" those seeking to expose the truth about the man occupying the White House.

In the video, Shrimpton claims that Obama was born in Kenya in 1960, which contradicts Obama's narrative of an August 4, 1961 birth at Kapiolani Children's Medical Center in Honolulu, HI.  The hospital has declined to confirm Obama's claim, and no other U.S. hospital has claimed to be Obama's birthplace.

In 2010, Lucas Daniel Smith claimed that when he traveled to Africa, he detoured to Kenya, bribed several hospital personnel at the Mombasa Coast Province General Hospital and obtained a certified copy of Barack Hussein Obama II's birth certificate.  Smith operates a website, WasObamaBorninKenya.com, and in September 2010 sent certified copies of a letter to every member of Congress which included copies of the birth certificate document.

Obama's official biography published by his literary agent, Dystel & Goderich, had stated that he was born in Kenya until it was changed in 2007 to say that he was born in Hawaii.  In February of that year, Obama announced that he would seek the presidency.

Although The Blaze has been unwilling to discuss the findings of forgery and fraud in regard to Obama's scant documentation, it reported last June that Yahoo! News stated that Obama was born in Kenya.  The writer, Madeleine Morgenstern, pointed out that Yahoo! "revised" its article to then call Kenya Obama's "ancestral homeland."

Prior to Obama's run for the presidency, various online African newspapers claimed that he was "Kenyan-born."

Letters to members of Congress written questioning Obama's constitutional eligibility before the electoral votes were certified in December 2008 were either ignored or responded to in template-like form letters restating Obama's claim that he was born in Hawaii.

PPSimmons, which Gallups founded in 2008, reports of Shrimpton:

Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11...

Nearly five years ago, on March 17, 2009, CDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III (Ret.) filed a complaint of treason against Obama, naming him as a "foreign born domestic enemy."

Those who have questioned the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate have been called "birthers" in the pejorative and harassed, threatened, and intimidated online.

Obama has been described as "anti-American" and has "fundamentally transformed the United States of America" with his health care bill, Rules of Engagement which have resulted in the deaths of nearly five times the number of troops in war theaters overseas than under his predecessor; and recognizing Islam and Muslims while marginalizing Christians and Israel.

His "Common Core" educational curriculum is teaching children inappropriate material which many have described as "Marxist."

"Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government ; and to declare expressly that the command in chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on any but a natural born citizen." — John Jay, later first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court


Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Google Defends Pastor Terry Jones in Court! 9th Circuit orders "Innocence of Muslims" to be removed from Google's video service

youtube logo, 640
Credit: youtube

Google must remove a controversial anti-Islamic film from YouTube, after a US Appeals court on Wednesday ordered it to do so.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2-1 that taking down the film did not constitute a prior restraint on speech -- Google's argument for initially refusing to remove it. (More)

Terry Jones is one of those involved in the making of this film which was hastily and falsely blamed for the attacks against Americans in Benghazi Libya.

Watch our interview with Pastor Terry Jones below.


Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

WAIT!!! Obama REALLY, REALLY "WAS" born in Kenya?


Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

British Intelligence Advisor Barrister Michael Shrimpton - Barack Obama born in Mombasa Kenya - British Intelligence have recorded phone call

Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983 and is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism. He has wide ranging connections both in Western Intelligence agencies and amongst ex-Soviet Bloc agencies. Michael has earned respect in the intelligence community for his analysis of previously unacknowledged post WWII covert operations against the West by organisations based in Washington, Munich, Paris and Brussels and which are continuing in post 9-11.

He is Adjunct Professor of intelligence Studies, Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies, American Military University, teaching intelligence subjects at Masters Degree level to inter alia serving intelligence officers. He has represented US and Israeli intelligence officers in law and has briefed staffers on the Senate select Committee on Intelligence and the Joint Congressional inquiry into 9-11, also addressing panels on terrorism in Washington DC and Los Angeles.

His active assistance to Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agencies in the Global War on Terror has produced some notable success including the exposure of the Abu Graib “hood” photograph as a fake. His work in strategic intelligence takes him on regular trips to the Pentagon and he also met with senior advisers to the President of the Russian Federation in Moscow in November 2005. He participated in the Global Strategic Review conference in Geneva in 2005 and is a regular contributor at conferences such as Intelcon and the Intelligence Summit Washington DC February 2006.

Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

PRESS RELEASE - An Inspirational Story from Operation American Spring - for immediate release

Interview with an ordinary man from Texas, who felt the call to do an extraordinary thing to help

You are from Texas. Why did you decide to offer assistance to the people of West Virginia?

About 4 weeks ago there was an area in West Virginia that had its' water contaminated and it was in a very rural part of the State, about 100 miles South of Charleston. The area in and around Madison was impacted, not being able to use their own water supply.  I read about this on Facebook  January 25th, about 2 weeks after  it was originally announced. I felt that God placed this mission on my heart, I thought I was nuts. Like, Lord, you want me to do what? But, after talking with my wife, along with some serious prayer time, I did it anyway. I didn’t have a clue what he had in store for us. It took some faith and obedience. If we will but trust and obey those thoughts or promptings, what mighty blessings He will provide us!

So what did you do about this mission, in real terms? I understand you decided to bring them water?

Well, I originally had twenty-two guys interested in doing this, however the numbers dropped to just six of us.  We got to Charlestown and with some help got two semis, loaded 90,000 lbs of water, 48 pallets in all. I had only met with three of the six that made the trip. The other two were agnostics. We raised over $3,000 dollars from an internet radio broadcast nationally, and the church where we stayed provided us with about $1000.00.

Any problems prior to departure from Texas?

The fact that we were going to do this was broadcast over the internet radio in W. on a site managed by folks who are also patriots and very interested in Operation American Spring. Word got out, and I received a call from a guy saying he was FEMA Region 111 District Deputy Director, (I’ve forgotten his name), and he tells me we can’t do it, and if we rolled into his turf, he has the authority to confiscate the water. He also said we could be detained, if not arrested. When I asked “how is that?”, he answered that the entire area is controlled by FEMA. His area to be exact. A long distance, land line fire-fight ensued; I spoke of the Constitution, probably his genealogy, and ended by hanging up, after telling him we were coming!

How about after arriving in Madison?

Well, we drove straight through. We were offered a place to sleep, rest, whatever at a local church. I had the chance to meet and speak with the Pastor there for nearly 3 hours or more. After talking about the local water concerns, I talked with him about the state of our nation, and OAS, and concerns I had.

How did that go?

Well, he was supportive of the support locally with water, and nationally, he felt it was all in God’s hands. God was in control. Then we got into a lengthy discussion regarding God’s involvement and believer’s involvement. You know the subject comes up all the time. I have faith in God, but I want to do something! I tried to focus on the fact we are the arms and legs and voices of the Lord. He wants us to be used by Him. We have to get off our butts and do something or America is going to quickly slip away. At least the America I knew. He has to work through us to accomplish his goals, missions, outreaches all the time. Why is this any different? We talked for over 3-4 hours. I wasn’t happy.

Did the Pastor come around, eventually?

The next morning, a young girl, I think the Pastor’s granddaughter, sang a song that had the words, “unblind my eyes Lord, let us see the truth, unblock our ears and save the nation we love”, he started to preach as usual, and a few minutes into his sermon, he abruptly stopped. Then he wadded up all his notes and tossed them on the floor. At that point he cut loose into a sermon that I hope was recorded, about our personal responsibility and family as well as our nation’s responsibility to protect and defend this country we call The United States of America. It was stunning!
Then what happened?

He gave an altar call, and many went forward, myself included. After a few moments, I noticed that the two agnostics I had brought with me were right beside me. All of us had tears in our eyes, we were all weeping together at the altar. I’m not a church-going, Bible-thumping guy, but God was in the room, no question. I hadn’t been to church in 4 years. The Holy Spirit was alive and active there, right then! The American Flag was up on the stage, and I reached up and just grabbed hold of it. My guys did the same thing. No prayer, no words, just weeping for what was just said in the ad hoc sermon, and I have never experienced anything like it in my life. Next thing I know, we all took hold of the flag, and backed down into the aisle and the entire congregation began to grab hold of the flag and we spread it out across the most of the church. There were a bit over a hundred in there for that service, a fairly small country church. It was a very emotional few minutes with every one in the church involved, and truly in one accord. Everyone was weeping and praising His name!

OK, so how does all this fit into OAS’s mission for the 16th of May?

The pastor has offered the church as a way-station going to and coming from D.C. for anyone wanting to use their building and space nearby. The entire congregation is now planning on attending, with not one but two groups of fifty each; people who are committed to showing up and bringing attention to the loss of our Constitution and the law-breaking committed by this administration. They all were in agreement that God is not finished with us or America yet, and that we all have a responsibility to step up and be recognized for what we believe. I am still amazed at what happened there! 

That is amazing! So looking back, besides this service, coming alive and focusing on America and on  personal responsibility, what other plans do you have?

Last weekend, on Sunday the 9th of February, a group of us traveled to Longview, Texas and put together a soup kitchen where we fed just over three hundred folks who were homeless, and were temporarily in a shelter that was totally full. We pre-cooked some of the food, but still had some cooking to do there once we arrived. We did this at the only shelter in Longview, a town of about 120,000 East of Dallas. We fed them from about noon until about 2:20 in the afternoon. They ate all we prepared, venison stew, baked beans. All this small missions, we call them training missions, will help out any team across the country in working together, before showing up in D.C. on the 16th of May. We get used to working together, and knowing each other. D.C. will be a lot different, but teams ought to know one another.

And your final thoughts?

I felt we just got a taste of the real victory ahead. Not just victory in Christ, but victory for our Nation it proclaiming the truth, and showing that we are fed up and indignant with the ripping of our Constitution. That’s our Compact. We operate with laws and that is the basis for laws in America. We can’t sit on it any longer.  And ‘We the People” must step up and act together in unison and in unity again. Satan tries to ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ but we are simply going to ignore his roadblocks, look up and show up, from now on!


Chris Blystone, Texas State Leader, Operation American Spring
Interviewed by Martin Church, OAS Outreach Team Leader
Graphics courtesy of OAS Graphics Team

Monday, February 24, 2014

Is the Ukraine the calm before the storm? The Jerusalem Connection Spot Report for PPSIMMONS

SURPRISE! No Checks Have Been Written to Evolutionists in Contest For PROOF of Deep-time Evolution

Ukrainian Spring Succeeds! Is Obama NEXT? American Spring ON THE WAY!

Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

Special Report - Orthodox Jews Coming to Christ in Israel - EXCITING TIMES in the Holy Land!

Democrat Party DESPERATE To Get SUPER-MAJORITY in 2014 to Keep Obama From Getting IMPEACHED!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Liberal Ignorance Abounds! Mike Dickinson EXPOSED!


Mike Dickinson is a Democrat who is challenging Republican House Majority Whip Eric Cantor in Virginia. Dickinson is urging the Federal Communications Commission to tighten up, specifically, on the Fox News Channel.

Dickinson's request is, apparently, in response to the recent FCC proposal that radio and television stations be monitored to ensure they are airing “unbiased” stories and programs.
This particular Obama administration plan would place government researchers and "news regulators" in newsrooms across the country.

Below are a collection of some of Dickinson's recent Tweets. Notice the vitriol and downright hypocrisy contained within those tweets. In one of them, he actually says that the NRA are descendents of the KKK! (See tweet circled in RED below). Yet, he has the audacity to call FOX News "liars" and "distorters" of truth.

We suppose Dickinson does not know that the KKK was conceived by Democrats in Tennessee right after the civil war to take care of the "problem" of the freed slaves. We also suppose that Dickinson does not know that the NRA was created by religious leaders for the express purpose of giving the freed slaves the ability to protect themselves against the KKK and others who would try to enslave them again. (See video below).

 Either Dickinson, in our opinion, is woefully ignorant and uneducated in matters of history, or he is deceitfully disingenuous. On the other hand, we suspect he might be both. What say you?


Listen to Black leaders speak of the creation of the NRA and its connection to the KKK in the below video.


Best selling books by Carl Gallups                      

and their accompanying DVDs!

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri -  Book - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah Documentary DVD by WND Films with Carl Gallups and Jonathan Cahn - ORDER HERE

The Rabbi Who Found Messiah - Book and Movie BUNDLE DEAL - ORDER HERE

The Magic Man In The Sky: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Book - ORDER HERE

The Existence of God DVD - two 30 minute episodes of Christ in Prophecy TV interview of Carl Gallups teaching from his book, The Magic Man In The Sky - ORDER HERE

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sean Hannity to play himself in new faith movie "A Long Way Off"

Sean Hannity will play himself in this new faith movie dealing with the "prodigal son" story of the Bible.

In this modern day retelling of the timeless Prodigal Son Parable, young Jacob is tired of living on the family farm, submitting to the rules of his Father, Mr. Abraham. One day he demands an early inheritance from his father, who shocks his young son by agreeing to give it to him-contingent on first sitting through a 6-hour intensive flurry of life trainers in the area of Health, Wealth and Wisdom including real life experts in their fields, featuring world famous pollster Scott Rasmussen, Talk Show host Sean Hannity and Psychologist Dr. Bev Smallwood who warns Jacob not to flash his cash since that could attract the 'wrong kind of woman.' Jacob perks up at that thought and heads to the city to prove that his modern ways are better than his dad's tradition ways. For a while he does well-surprisingly well taking huge business risks, and still making money even after his extremely flamboyant lifestyle that attracts the wrong women including seductive Laura, whose rich boyfriend Frank is often dangerously nearby. Jacob got the it all: money, ladies, prestige-but then-he loses it all and just when he things he's hit bottom the bottom drops some more-until he is eating out of dumpsters and eventually ends up in a literal pig pen. Coming to his senses he heads home, determined to work in an entry level position for his dad, who surprises him once again by running to him-but is it to kiss him or kill him?

- Written by Gerald McGlothlin


Carl Gallups (PPSIMMONS founder) was offered one of the leading roles as the father in this film by Executive Producer Jerry McGlothlin. Carl had to turn down the gracious and amazing offer because the filming schedule presented an unresolvable conflict with his previously committed schedule.(He was doing TV and radio interviews on one book, writing another one and preparing to shoot a movie for that one, plus he was traveling abroad in missions trips in addition to his Freedom Friday responsibilities and his senior pastor responsibilities.) However, Carl's website, www.carlgallups.com, DOES appear in the movie!  The main character is checking out Carl's website on a computer and the camera zooms in on it!


A Modern Day Prodigal Son Story featuring Jason Burkey, Robert Davi, John Diehl, Edie McClurg and Sean Hannity

Nashville, TN – (February 19, 2014) – Word Films is proud to announce a distribution deal with PRODIGALFILM and Uptone Pictures for the release of the motion picture, "A Long Way Off," featuring Jason Burkey ("October Baby," "Mom's Night Out"), Robert Davi ("Die Hard," "Goonies," James Bond "License to Kill"), John Diehl ("Escape from New York," "Stargate," "Pearl Harbor"), Edie McClurg ("Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "Planes Trains and Automobiles"), Robert Amaya ("Courageous"), and talk show host Sean Hannity.

The inspiring true story is based on tale of The Prodigal Son taken from Luke 15:11-32 but set in modern times.

Produced and co-directed by Michael Davis ("Destiny Road"), and co-directed by Jon Errington, "A Long Way Off" captures the timeless tale of a journey to humility, repentance, and reconciliation with both a loving earthly father and heavenly Father--all in time for a June 3,  2014 DVD release just in time for Father's Day 2014.  (following the May 2014 theatrical release by PRODIGALFILM)

In this 2000-year-old story, Jacob leaves the family farm, shunning his father's religious and business ethics, to strike out on his own in the big city, poised to conquer the world in his own way—on his terms. Surprised that his father actually obliges his request for an early inheritance, Jacob sets out for his own idea of fortune and fame, and proceeds to spend millions of dollars living the high life—only to find it come crashing down and learning vital life lessons, coming back a humbled, appreciative son, finally ready to reconcile with both his earthly and Heavenly Father.

More than a dozen spokespersons (actors, producers, and film makers) are available for interviews.

Promotion, momentum, events and buzz from ProdigalFilm:

Music Video for "A Long Way Off," the film's title track (to be included in the bonus features of the DVD release in June after the theatrical release):

Father's Day television special scheduled to be aired on multiple television networks to promote the motion picture.

Final film trailer to be released by March 1, 2014.

Early motion picture theaters committed with more coming on board.

Church movie screenings across the country in conjunction to the theatrical release.

Word Entertainment is a division of Warner Music, the world's largest music publisher.

Sean Hannity and other major talk show hosts committed to interviewing principals from the film.

Special Guests, Inc., a publicity firm of 27 years, has been contracted to book hundreds of talk show interviews to promote the film.

Other publicity efforts are beginning shortly in print, social media, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Biographies of actors, directors and producers available for interview may be viewed at:

Official film web site: http://www.alongwayoffthemovie.com

News and Observer front page Dec 1, 2012 story:

WRAL TV News ch 5 Raleigh (NBC): Movie tackles 'Prodigal Son' parable:

WTVD TV News ch 11 (ABC) Raleigh:

About Word Entertainment:A leader in the music industry for over 60 years, Word Entertainment, a Warner/Curb company, is a unique, comprehensive entertainment company comprised of multi-faceted artist service departments including publishing, merchandising, booking and online initiatives. Word Entertainment represents some of the top names and brands in music, including About A Mile, Meredith Andrews, Chris August, Francesca Battistelli, Big Daddy Weave, Jason Castro, Patrick Ryan Clark, Everfound, for KING & COUNTRY, Group 1 Crew, Love & The Outcome, Dara Maclean, Point Of Grace and Sidewalk Prophets and is home to 25 Entertainment, Word Distribution (representing Curb Records and Big Idea/VeggieTales among others), Word Print/Church Resources, Word Films, Word Music Publishing and Word Label Group's Word Records, Word Worship and Fervent Records.


Media Contacts:

Jerry McGlothlin
Special Guests for PRODIGALFILM, LLC

Montine Felso
Warner Music Group / Word Entertainment



Carl Gallups (PPSIMMONS founder) was offered one of the leading roles as the father in this film by Executive Producer Jerry McGlothlin. Carl had to turn down the gracious and amazing offer because the filming schedule presented an unresolvable conflict with his previously committed schedule.(He was doing TV and radio interviews on one book, writing another one and preparing to shoot a movie for that one, plus he was traveling abroad in missions trips in addition to his Freedom Friday responsibilities and his senior pastor responsibilities.) However, Carl's website, www.carlgallups.com, DOES appear in the movie!  The main character is checking out Carl's website on a computer and the camera zooms in on it!


A Modern Day Prodigal Son Story featuring Jason Burkey, Robert Davi, John Diehl, Edie McClurg and Sean Hannity

Nashville, TN – (February 19, 2014) – Word Films is proud to announce a distribution deal with PRODIGALFILM and Uptone Pictures for the release of the motion picture, "A Long Way Off," featuring Jason Burkey ("October Baby," "Mom's Night Out"), Robert Davi ("Die Hard," "Goonies," James Bond "License to Kill"), John Diehl ("Escape from New York," "Stargate," "Pearl Harbor"), Edie McClurg ("Ferris Bueller's Day Off," "Planes Trains and Automobiles"), Robert Amaya ("Courageous"), and talk show host Sean Hannity.

The inspiring true story is based on tale of The Prodigal Son taken from Luke 15:11-32 but set in modern times.

Produced and co-directed by Michael Davis ("Destiny Road"), and co-directed by Jon Errington, "A Long Way Off" captures the timeless tale of a journey to humility, repentance, and reconciliation with both a loving earthly father and heavenly Father--all in time for a June 3,  2014 DVD release just in time for Father's Day 2014.  (following the May 2014 theatrical release by PRODIGALFILM)

In this 2000-year-old story, Jacob leaves the family farm, shunning his father's religious and business ethics, to strike out on his own in the big city, poised to conquer the world in his own way—on his terms. Surprised that his father actually obliges his request for an early inheritance, Jacob sets out for his own idea of fortune and fame, and proceeds to spend millions of dollars living the high life—only to find it come crashing down and learning vital life lessons, coming back a humbled, appreciative son, finally ready to reconcile with both his earthly and Heavenly Father.

More than a dozen spokespersons (actors, producers, and film makers) are available for interviews.

Promotion, momentum, events and buzz from ProdigalFilm:

Music Video for "A Long Way Off," the film's title track (to be included in the bonus features of the DVD release in June after the theatrical release):

Father's Day television special scheduled to be aired on multiple television networks to promote the motion picture.

Final film trailer to be released by March 1, 2014.

Early motion picture theaters committed with more coming on board.

Church movie screenings across the country in conjunction to the theatrical release.

Word Entertainment is a division of Warner Music, the world's largest music publisher.

Sean Hannity and other major talk show hosts committed to interviewing principals from the film.

Special Guests, Inc., a publicity firm of 27 years, has been contracted to book hundreds of talk show interviews to promote the film.

Other publicity efforts are beginning shortly in print, social media, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Biographies of actors, directors and producers available for interview may be viewed at:

Official film web site: http://www.alongwayoffthemovie.com

News and Observer front page Dec 1, 2012 story:

WRAL TV News ch 5 Raleigh (NBC): Movie tackles 'Prodigal Son' parable:

WTVD TV News ch 11 (ABC) Raleigh:

About Word Entertainment:A leader in the music industry for over 60 years, Word Entertainment, a Warner/Curb company, is a unique, comprehensive entertainment company comprised of multi-faceted artist service departments including publishing, merchandising, booking and online initiatives. Word Entertainment represents some of the top names and brands in music, including About A Mile, Meredith Andrews, Chris August, Francesca Battistelli, Big Daddy Weave, Jason Castro, Patrick Ryan Clark, Everfound, for KING & COUNTRY, Group 1 Crew, Love & The Outcome, Dara Maclean, Point Of Grace and Sidewalk Prophets and is home to 25 Entertainment, Word Distribution (representing Curb Records and Big Idea/VeggieTales among others), Word Print/Church Resources, Word Films, Word Music Publishing and Word Label Group's Word Records, Word Worship and Fervent Records.


Media Contacts:

Jerry McGlothlin
Special Guests for PRODIGALFILM, LLC

Montine Felso
Warner Music Group / Word Entertainment