Tuesday, March 10, 2015

VERY IMPORTANT things you should know about NETANYAHU

About Bibi Netanyahu

March 3, 2015
by Smith Callen
As compiled by IJReview, here are 5 things you probably didn’t know about Bibi:
1. War hero
The Israeli leader enlisted in the IDF at the young ate of 18, serving in an elite commando unit. He went on to fight in three different wars for his country.
Below: Bibi during a special forces assault of a terror compound
2. Has taken bullets for his country
Deployed on many dangerous special forces missions throughout his military career, Bibi took a bullet in the shoulder while attempting to rescue the passengers of a plane hijacked by terrorists in 1972. He served on the front lines in the Yom Kippur War, where he was almost killed in the Suez Canal.
Above: Lieutenant Benjamin Netanyahu during a ceremony to honor the Soldiers from his Sayeret Matkal commando unit. Here he is greeted by then Israeli President Zalman Shazar.
3. His family paid the ultimate sacrifice for Israel
During the famous “Raid on Entebbe” in Uganda, Lt. Colonel Jonathan Netanyahu, Bibi’s brother, paid the ultimate sacrifice for his country, as he was killed in action while leading his special forces troops attempting to rescue 100 of his countrymen who had been held hostage on a hijacked flight by Palestinian and East German terrorists.
Not a single hostage was killed, and Netanyahu — the siege’s commander — was the sole Israeli casualty in an operation that is still taught in military schools to this day. (Hollywood even made a
film of it starring Charles Bronson. )
4. Super Smart
Not only a tough as nails soldier, Bibi is also as smart as a whip.
He earned degrees in Management and Architecture, from two of the most prestigious schools in the country — Harvard and MIT. He would go on to be recruited to work for Boston Consulting in 1976, as a coworker of Mitt Romney and eventually becoming a personal friend.
5. One of the most successful politicians in history
He has held these positions since entering Israeli politics:
·         Deputy Chief of Mission, Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC (’82-’84)
·         Ambassador of Israel to the United Nations (’84-’88)
·         Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (’88-’91)
·         Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (’91-’92)
·         Chairman of Likud, Leader of the Opposition (’93-’96)
·         Prime Minister (’96-’99 & ’09-present)
·         Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister (’02-’03)
·         Israeli Finance Minister (’03-’05)

And Netanyahu has now addressed Congress as many times as Winston Churchill.

So before
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Barack Obama (seen below during his drug-addled “Choom Gang” phase, at the same exact age as the Bibi that accompanies him) tries to further mess with Netanyahu, he might wish to review the list above.

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