By Rev. Joda Collins
Despite unsubstantiated reports to the contrary, there is no evidence that Putin preferred Trump to Hillary for President. None.
There are claims that the Earth is flat, the sun rotates around the Earth, mankind came from nothing in stages or steps (evolution) and Putin wanted Trump as President; however, there is absolutely no evidence for any of those claims. A report that "somebody said Putin wanted Trump to win" is not news and it is not proof. So, let me counter that so-called evidence with equal strength; "Somebody said Putin wanted Hillary to be President."
There is overwhelming evidence the Earth is round, the Earth rotates around the sun, mankind was created and Putin preferred that Hillary become President.
The evidence for the last statement is:
1. Hillary colluded with Putin for 20% of our uranium supply, so she can be easily blackmailed by Russia; a great manipulation tool for Putin if Hillary was President.
2. Hillary is a globalist (one-world government) and wants Russia involved in the global world order and, thus, an influential part of American life and politics. Hillary wants open boarders and no control over Russians entering our Country for whatever reason or reasons they want to be here. Why would Putin be against that? He would not be.
3. Hillary wants to weaken our national defenses and disarm Americans; both are benefits to Russia. Obama weakened America. Hillary would have been more of the same and a welcomed continuation of the decline of America from the Russian point of view.
4. Hillary is too stupid to be an effective President. For example, she told the world how long it takes our military to respond to a nuclear attack against our country. Also, when she got the questions asked during the Presidential debates in advance she was unable to keep that a secret or even come up with decent answers even when given the questions in advance. Surely, Putin prefers a stupefied person in the White House rather than a savvy and successful negotiator.
5. Hillary does not have the physical stamina to withstand the rigors of the Presidency. She had to take a lot of time off from the campaign effort to tend to her failing health and more than once had to be helped to stand and/or walk. In addition, you recall she became overheated in 75 to 80 degree weather. She is severely overweight and we saw her having, what appeared to be, a stroke while on camera. She has fallen several times, has coughing fits and has had to be coached to recall where she was and what she was doing during, at least one public speech. Surely, Putin prefers a physically failing person in the Oval Office rather than a healthy, bright person.
6. Hillary sold American well-being for money as Secretary of State. Putin would be willing to pay President Hillary money for America and has already proven she will sell American interests to the highest bidder.
7. Hillary wants the destruction of the family unit, the continued slaughter of American babies, socialism, the destruction of Christianity and the continued proliferation of immorality in our society. These are all things that Putin is on record as things he believes will contribute to the weakening of America. Putin wins big if Hillary wins the Presidency.
If Putin was involved in trying to influence the outcome of the presidential election, there is no reason he would be pro-Trump but a myriad of reasons why he would try to help Hillary win. In reality, America voted for Trump and Crooked Hillary, her crime syndicate nor her followers can admit that. I seriously doubt Putin invest more than an hour trying to figure out how he could help Hillary win, decided he could not make a significant enough difference to justify the effort and, like most of the rest of the world, just watched the carnival the Democrats put on from start to finish, the sham the Republicans put on during the preliminaries -- and the mastery of Donald Trump once nominated.
Rev. Joda Collins
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