Zev Porat

Sunday, November 26, 2017


by Rev. Joda Collins

No one expects a society, government or nation to exist forever.  Nations come and go.  World powers rise and fall. That is just the way it has been and that is the way it will always be, at least, until the coming our our Lord and the setting up of His Kingdom on Earth.  However, it would sure be nice if the greatest Country the world has ever known, the USA, could continue for a long, long time.  No other country has afforded its citizens as much nor contributed more to the well-being of the world than America. Those who do not know that, do not know history.

There are two things that have to be accomplished quickly if we are going to keep America and see it great again.  First, we have to identify our political enemies.  They are Islam, Democrats and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only).   Second, we have to destroy our enemies.  Our enemies have declared war on us with their only goal our political and/or physical death.  When those are the only two options we have, we have to respond in kind with a drive to destroy our enemies.  We are not involved in a school yard game of kick ball during recess where when the recess bell rings winners walk away feeling good and losers walk away feeling bad and the school day continues with little or no reflection of the outcome of the game. This is a war towards annihilation.  The winner takes all and the loser forfeits all.   It is an all or nothing outcome. The bell rings when one side is dead or completely incapacitated.

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Every American patriot, every Constitutionalist and every moral person needs to be involved in this war against Islam, Democrats and RINOs.  Think, speak, act and get involved.  We are in the process of giving away America, the American dream, freedom, wealth, health, morality and everything else that is or was great about America. 

If you do not know where to start, start with this knowledge.

1.  For Islam, Democrats and RINOs it is all about the money and tangible assets.  Right or wrong is not a consideration. Only what makes them the most money and produces for them the most tangible assets are important to them.

2.  Everything for Islamists, Democrats and RINOs is political.  

See the source image

3.  Islamists, Democrats and RINOs are professional liars.  This means their word is worthless.  They are vile individuals.  Learn all you can about sociopaths. When you have that knowledge, you understand the rank and file representing Islam, Democrats and RINOs.  Learn all you can about psychopaths.   When you understand psychopaths you understand the leadership of Islam, the Democrat Party and RINOs.   Sociopaths and psychopaths are nothing more than the behavior and mentality of Satan.  Sociopaths reveal how satanic followers act.  Psychopaths reveal how Satan thinks. 

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4.  It is your job to stop the enemy and win the war they have declared on decent society.  One of the greatest assets of Islamists, Democrats and RINOs is the silent, inactive and moral majority. 

5.  There are some people you cannot win to your way of thinking by being nice to them. Ninety-nine percent of Islamists, Democrats and RINOs fit into this category.  God is not nice to Satan in the hopes that Satan will repent.  I hope you get that! 

If you know these five things and understand sociopaths and psychopaths --  you have the mental knowledge to go to war.  Everything else falls into place.  

Author Image
Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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