Zev Porat

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Image result for the republic of america\

1. America is not a democracy. 
2. Collusion, as used in today's political environment, is not a crime.  
3. Emotions are not logic. Nor does being emotional make a person right.
4. Trump is your President.
5. There is a difference between right and wrong.
6. Morality is a concept even though you do not have it or believe in it.
7. Denial or lying about reality does not change reality, even if you lie well and deny long.
8. Your opinion is not the end of the discussion for rational people.
9. Hillary lost the election because she is Hillary not because of a or any Russian.

Image result for stupid democrats

10. Neither ignorance nor stupidity is a valid excuse for poor behavior even though you are very ignorant and/or excessively stupid. Ignorant people can become educated if they want to be and stupid people need caretakers to monitor and restrain you. Without knowledge and mental competency you are irrelevant to normal society unless you interfere in mature matters.

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Rev. Joda Collins 
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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