Samantha Siegel, a young American immigrant living in Jerusalem, first came to prominence when her video showing fish swimming in the sinkholes surrounding the Dead Sea went viral, garnering hundreds of thousands of views. The video excited the public, who saw in it the fulfillment of the prophecy in Ezekiel quoted below.
In her recent video, Siegel suggests this phenomenon is the beginning of a drastic change in the Dead Sea that will turn it into a lush and fertile region. She begins by noting that the Garden of Eden was referred to in the Bible as a garden of God. In a leap of reason based on Biblical sources, she noted the plains of Jordan where the Dead Sea stands today are also referred to in the Bible as a garden of God.
And Hashem God planted a garden eastward…Genesis 2:8
And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was well watered every where, before Hashem destroyed Sdom and Gomorrah, like the garden of Hashem… Genesis 13:10
Similarly, the Garden of Eden had every kind of fruit tree, and the Dead Sea is prophesied to be so in the Messianic era.
And out of the ground made Hashem God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food…Genesis 2:9
And by the river upon the bank thereof on this side and on that side shall grow every tree for food…Ezekiel 47:12
From these Biblical parallels, Siegel proposes that Eden and the Dead Sea are one and the same. Though it might be difficult for the average person to envision the Dead Sea, a salt lake devoid of life, as the fabled Garden, for Siegel, this comes naturally. After personally witnessing the improbable existence of life in the waters surrounding the Dead Sea, Siegel can easily envision in this the first signs of what she believes is the rebirth of the Garden of Eden.
As proof of her theory, she notes the four rivers of Eden, listed in the Bible as the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. According to her theory, the Pishon and Gihon could be the two sources of the Nile, southwest of Israel.
The Tigris and Euphrates are located in what is today Iraq, northeast of modern-day Israel. She describes these four rivers as encircling Israel with the center point being the Dead Sea and Jerusalem.
Read more at It seems the entire globe has been fully explored and no secrets remain, yet no signs of Eden, its garden, or the flaming sword set to guard its entrance have ever ... | Thanks to samantha siegel please subscribe REPENTANCE PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you now and humbly ask for ... |
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