Zev Porat

Thursday, January 4, 2018


by Rev. Joda Collins

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Not long ago, a nationally-known pastor (he is on national television) changed his position on homosexuality to a pro-homosexual position because he learned that his son was homosexual.  Not long ago, a world-renowned pastor moved his wife into the assistant pastor position in his church even though he knows women are forbidden by the Word of God to be pastors.  He did it because he wanted to and she wanted it.  A friend of the world is no friend of God.

A few days ago, I was talking to a professing Christian man in our community about a Bible-based topic and he asked me to stop sharing with him because he was afraid if I continue sharing the Bible with him he would have to change the way he thinks.  To reject the Word of God is the same thing as rejecting God.

Yesterday, I spoke with an 18-year old woman who I have known since her birth. She was reared in a Bible-based church, had a Christian upbringing and knows more about the Bible than most people of any age.  She claims to be a Christian.  She moved out of her parent's home recently and into the home and bed of a man that is not her husband.  I spoke with her yesterday and told her that if she wanted out of that relationship and living arrangement I would do everything I could to help her. She responded, "No thank you. I am very happy."  I stated, "I am very sad.  I am very sad that you are not using your life to bring honor to God." She respond, "Okay" and ended the conversation.  She is comfortable.  Living in fornication is a horrendous crime against God.

We, as biblical and political conservatives, find it easy to challenge the biblical and political left on their run to any safe-space that provides them comfort from the truth. They do not want to be uncomfortable and reality, honesty, the truth and hard work makes them uncomfortable.  We call them snowflakes and so they are.  However, among us are snowflakes who say they are devoted to the cause of Christ in their lives, but when challenged beyond their comfort level, they are just snowflakes in spiritual soldier's attire eager to shed it for the sake of temporary comfort.  Their life verse is John 6:66.  Many, so-called conservatives, change their biblical position to adhere to the social degradation around us, reject the parts of the Bible that make them uncomfortable and have taken the Lord's prayer of, "...not my will but thine be done" and adjusted it to fit their true desire/heart, "...not thy will but mine be done."    

Spiritual snowflakes live for comfort and use their errant snowflake contrived opinion of Jesus as their soft space to find shelter from reality and the truth.  Soldiers of the Cross base their lives on the solid rock of the Word of God even when the Word of God does not make them feel the warm fuzzes of giggling comfort. 

How can any person become more like the Lord Jesus Christ if that person is not willing to fight the battle of personal failure for the goal of overcoming wrong in order to be right?  Do not be that person.  You do not have to be that person unless you want to be.  We all have battles to fight.  Any dead-stinking rotting fish can float along with the current. Throw garbage into the river and you can identify the current route immediately.  Swim against the current of sin so when this brief life is over you can face Jesus with your eyes up and not your head bowed in shame for what you could and should have done but chose not to do because being a spiritual-snowflake was easier/comfortable.  Do not let your life stink like rotting fish or garbage. You can be better than that. You can be a living example of God's grace and power. However, you have to make the decision to do the hard work it takes to be a spiritual winner.  We all do.  So. do it.  No excuses. No debating. No whining. No waiting.  Just do it!   Whether you are a spiritual snowflake or a soldier of the Cross is your decision. Whether your life looks like a dead-rotting fish and smells like garbage or looks like Jesus and has the sweet-aroma of God is your decision.  What is your decision -- spiritual snowflake or spiritual victor?   

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Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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