Zev Porat

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


by Rev. Joda Collins

Regret is often a synonym for conviction of sin.  When we think about the past and our actions or non-actions and we feel sorrow, that sorrow is a God-ordained tool.  I am not referencing the regret (sorrow) for sins that have been confessed, repented of, the ramifications wisely dealt with and sins are no longer a part of our life.  The regret I am addressing is the remorse that comes from actions (or lack of actions) that we have not adequately dealt with.   Image result for godly sorrow

Second Corinthians 7:10 states, "...godly grief produces repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death."  

This verse reveals a deep theological truth. I like to paraphrase verses using synonyms and/or dynamic equivalence (a word or combination of words that express the intent of other words). Doing so often brings simple clarity to challenging verses.  Change the word "grief" to "regret."  Change the word "repentance" to "a change of mind and heart."  Change the word "salvation" to "deliverance" and the word "without" to "from."   Add the words "any more or continued" between the words "without" and "regret."  Change the words "worldly grief" to "grief without godly repentance or the assistance of God" and you have:

 "...godly regret produces a change of mind and heart that leads to deliverance from any more or continued regret, whereas grief without the godly repentance or the assistance of God produces death."  

When the Holy Spirit brings conviction (regret) of sin to our minds it is because (or at least one reason is that) God wants to deliver us from the mental anguish of that or those sins.  The way we do that is "godly repentance."  Godly repentance means to identify the sin, agree with God in prayer that our sin is real, repent and ask God for forgiveness of the sin.  Then, in the wisdom of God begin, we the process of approaching those we sinned against in search of their forgiveness (assuming our sin hurt others). 

Godly repentance is not an easy process, but those who have done it will testify it is a great tool for spiritual progress. It does little good to try to explain how godly repentance is a great tool for spiritual progress.  Those who have gone through the process of godly repentance know exactly what I mean.  Those who have not cannot understand godly repentance from a clarification of words alone.  Try godly repentance and experience, for yourself, the value. The alternative is "grief (regret)...that leads to death."  That is frightening.  I do not even want to think about the alternative to godly regret and godly repentance!

Rev. Joda Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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