Zev Porat

Friday, December 21, 2018

Scottie Clarke Breaks YouTube Silence - Comes Out as "Changed Man"

Scottie Clarke (Left) Mike Shoesmith (Right)
By Mike Shoesmith

I first met Scott Clarke last year at the Hear The Watchmen Prophecy Conference in Boise Idaho. I happily admit that Scottie is a likeable person; approachable and friendly.

He gave an impressive presentation regarding his view on eschatology which is (or was) decidedly "pre-trib" and had some interesting ideas using pregnancy metaphors as it relates to the born again experience for the believer. Interesting and impressive, though not entirely without causing no small amount of head-scratching.

Scott received a great deal of response from people all over the world regarding his feast of trumpets predictions - some good and some, well, not so much. Following two months of silence on his YouTube channel  Scott has come out with great enthusiasm to promote a newly embraced theory and promote himself as a "changed man."

It's called "Right[ly] Dividing" and Scott is all-in. In this interview (below) Scott speaks with Pastor Rodney Beaulieu about "Rightly Dividing" and makes several bold declarations including a strange regret that he embraced the original Hebrew language in his former Bible studies and online teachings even going so far as to call Hebrew a "garbage" language. He also makes the peculiarly popular statement that the KJV is the only true "correct" Bible and "Right Dividing" is the only way to properly interpret the Bible. It is easy to find agreement with this statement because, after all, the Bible does command us to do just that (2 Timothy 2:15). However "Right Dividing", according to Scott and Rodney Beaulieu, is not being properly done. They are now on a mission to set us all straight.

"I'm embarrassed"

Perhaps the most shocking statement you will hear Scott say is "I'm embarrassed that a lot of my videos have this Hebrew Bible garbage in it."

Most scholars the world over know that the Bible is the Word of God only in the original Hebrew, Koine Greek and Aramaic. And the vast majority of scholars know that there is no perfect English translation. Many volumes of Bible teaching tools take us from the English to the original languages to show us that yes, the English translators used word "X" which may have been the best word at their disposal, but in order to get the full and complete understanding of the text here is the original word and here is what it meant... originally.

Other points you will hear Scott and Rodney declare in the interview are:
  • Dispensationalism is the only true Gospel
  • Genesis through to the first part of Acts is not about you
  • Hebrews through Revelation is not about you
  • There is no salvation for this world apart from the books written by Paul
And so on.

Watch the introduction to the interview below. Below that, you will find another video in which Pastor Carl Gallups is interviewed by Pastor Caspar McCloud, and then again on Messiah's Branch Radio podcast with Dan Catlin. In these two presentations best-selling author and Pastor Carl Gallups explains the pitfalls of this emerging belief system.

Note: While we do not wish to make a matter of doctrine and correct biblical interpretation to appear to be a personal attack on the teacher of such doctrine, our ministry does involve calling out clear, contextual misinterpretation of the very foundational fundamentals of the biblical Christian faith. Several of us at PNN know Scottie personally and have spoken to him, in-person, several times. We respect Scott's right to believe anything he wishes concerning the interpretation of scripture. However, in this matter of scriptural understanding, we simply disagree with him.

Why Is Rightly Dividing So Critical? | Interview with Pastor Rodney Beaulieu Coming!

Pastors Caspar McCloud and Carl Gallups - The Heresy Teaching - "Rightly Dividing"

By End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch

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