Zev Porat

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Pastor Carl Gallups predicts:

The bottom line is this. I could be wrong. Not claiming to be a prophet. But I believe Trump is going to get his wall one way or the other. This may very well be one of the things for which he has been raised up. On the other hand, If he doesn't get the wall it will certainly be a sign from the Lord, to those of us that are believers, how close we are to the day of judgment in this nation. A nation Without borders, rule of law, protective immigration laws, and walls ... is one of God's most ominous judgments upon a nation that has turned its back on Him. Pray... The evil in this nation is coming upon us like a flood. Deuteronomy 32:8 Psalm 74:17 Deuteronomy 28:43-44 2 Chronicles 36 - Pastor Carl Gallups www.carlgallups.com

Coming February 2019! By Amazon Top-60 bestselling author Carl Gallups With Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat WEBSITE: www.carlgallups.com/rabbi

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