Zev Porat

Friday, May 24, 2019


by Rev. Joda Collins. 

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If a person does not have a strong vested interest in something that person should not have a say in that thing. That is just good judgment - basic common sense. My next door neighbor does not have a strong vested interest in my business, so he should not have a say in how I run my business.  If I give him a say or power over my business, he will probably use that influence and power to see what he can get from my business success for his own good and at my expense. Remember, all men seek their own profit. Phil. 2:21. 
The opposite of weakness is strength. Strength is desired. Weakness is not desired.  If you are a passenger in an airplane would you want to fly inside a weakly constructed airplane or a strongly structured plane?  If you are traveling across a bridge would you prefer to travel across a bridge made of crumbling-decaying wood or a bridge constructed of concrete and steel?  If you had a business would you want a business with a strong financial foundation or a weak one?    The Bible denotes the women as the weaker vessel. (1 Pet. 3). The Bible denotes God's plan for the home as being led by the husband. (Eph. 5). Bible history records God-ordained society as being led by men.  Men are stronger than women.  
The strength of men compared to women is not just physical strength but spiritual as well.  The reason the Devil chose Eve to approach is because the Devil, like any good war strategist, attacked Adam and Eve at their weakest spiritual point, which was Eve.  
God created woman to have influence over Adam. Eve used her influence to encourage Adam to follow her as she followed Satan.  Satan knew he was leading Eve away from God.  Eve knew she was leading Adam away from God when she approached Adam with the temptation.  Eve became the voice of Satan towards Adam.  That is weakness.
Where there is a truth that establishes a general rule there is almost always an exception to the rule.  Obviously, there is a small percentage of women who are physically stronger than a small percentage of men. That does not mean that, in general, women are physically stronger than men or that God made a mistake when he created men with more muscle mass than women.   Obviously, there are exceptions to the spiritual reality as well. There is a small percentage of women who are spiritually stronger (wiser) than a small percentage of godly men.  However, that does not overcome the reality that God created men to lead, and thus as the norm, gave men more spiritual insight than women.  
An exception to the rule or norm does not negate the general rule or the norm, but it establishes the general rule/norm.  Normally, it is not raining. Just because it rains sometimes does not mean sunshine and blue skies are a threat to humanity.   There are conditions under which the driver of an emergency vehicle is allowed to exceed the maximum speed limit. That does not mean that everyone who drives at or below the speed limit is wrong. It is idiotic to establish the abnormal or unusual as the norm because the lesser, unusual or abnormal sometimes occurs.  Do not discard or degrade the best or norm just because something less than the best or different from the norm is attached to or associated with it.  Do not throw the baby out with the bath water. Using the exception to any rule as a foundation for overriding the rule in favor of making the exception the rule is an old and cheap trick that is, unfortunately, effective with the ignorant and/or simple-minded of whom there are many among us.
In the beginning, only those who owned land in America were allowed to vote because our founders understood that those who only wanted to profit from those who had a strong vested interest would be inclined to elect those who would take from the producers and give to the sloths.  It was a mistake to give voting rights to non-land owners.  We are now paying that price as the sloths of America are voting for those who would take from the producers and give to them (Democrats and RINOs).   This means the producers have to find some way to appease the sloths if they are going to get elected.  The byword for that appeasement is "FREE."  FREE is the politicians' way of saying "taxpayer funded."  
In the beginning, only men were allowed to vote. The decision-making for our country was placed in the hands of men. Men are better-equipped to make wiser decisions when facing Satan's goal of destroying a nation that stands for God.  The founders knew that. It was a mistake to allow women to vote.  Imagine the immediate improvement to our government without the likes of Hillary, Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Tlaib or Ocasio-Cortez!  
Now, politicians have to find some way to appeal to women in order to win an election. How is that done?   Male leaders surround themselves with women who rule under their (the men's) leadership positions and then the male leaders claim they are pro-women leadership.  Such tactics weaken the influence of those men and, over time, weaken the nation because such tactics pave the inroads for women to lead men from higher and higher positions of influence and authority; it puts women closer to the demonic gods of Hell stationed at the side of all key leaders.  It is a replay of Satan vs. Eve and we know how that turned out. It is a reproduction of Eve vs. Adam and we know how that turned out.  

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If only men who are land owners voted, Donald Trump would win his second term with ease.  Women would not vote. Illegals would not vote. Human sloths would not and could not vote.   There would never have been a President Obama!  The likes of the Clinton, Obama, Biden, Sanders, Pelosi, FeinsteinTLAIB, Cortez and Waters -- and Islamists would be hung, shot or jailed without hesitation. Like the cowards they are, they would run for the border in an effort to flee America!   Human sloths who want everything FREE at the expense of producers would starve to death.  Then, America would be great again.  The chances of America being truly great again is slim to none.  Hopefully, we can be better for awhile and get worse slower.  
Without civil war for the right reasons, I think America is too broken to fix. All we can do is patch up the holes. The fabric is rotten.  The system is too flawed to fix. It must be dismantled and rebuilt.  We have strayed too far from God's Word to be highly confident about returning. Not only is the world negative towards returning to God's way, so are most of those who constitute the church. 

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Am I advocating giving up the fight? I am not.  I am advocating a return to the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. Only men who are landowners are allowed to vote. What are the chances of that happening?  Little to none.  So, let us do the next best things.  Illegals (non-citizens) cannot vote and traitors to the Constitution are tried, jailed, shot or hung before the 2020 election.  We might not reach the greatness God intended for this nation, but we will be greater than we are now. What are the chances of our nation's elected representatives doing that?  If it takes a civil war to make it happen, let's get on with it before it is too late. 
Just in case there is one left that does not already know this, we are at war with Democrats and Islam.  Both groups have already declared war on us. 

Author Image
Rev . Joda  Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

Since the enactment of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, federal law prohibits non-citizens from voting in federal elections, punishing them by fines, imprisonment, inadmissibility and deportation. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_of_foreigners_to_vote_in_the_United_States

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