Zev Porat

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Baltimore Murder Rate Worse than Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Driving Asylum Surge

"The Baltimore murder rate is higher than the three Central American nations driving the border surge by migrants seeking to flee crime and murder back home," Paul Bedard reports in the Washington Examiner.

"In an analysis of the murder rates done after President Trump criticized Baltimore Rep. Elijah Cummings over the weekend, Baltimore's was reported at 56 per 100,000. The city is on track for 340 murders. By comparison, said the Princeton Policy Advisors analysis, the murder rate in El Salvador was 50, in Guatemala it was 22 and Honduras was 38."

The bottom line: "That Baltimore's murder rate is higher than the most dangerous countries' in Central America is frankly appalling on many levels, and as someone who grew up in Baltimore, I believe increased accountability is long overdue," Princeton Policy President Steven Kopits said.

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