Zev Porat

Sunday, December 8, 2019


By Rev. Joda Collins

No matter how complicated some thing or idea is, it is the interaction of simple components that make the end result seem complex. A car consists of nuts, bolts, screws, wires, plastic, metal, rubber and glass which combine and interact to produce a functional moving vehicle.  Understand the simple components first and then study their interaction.   That is the only method to understand what seems complicated. In many cases, once we understand the simple components then the interaction of the parts becomes obvious without much further thought or study. Therefore, focus on the simple not on the complicated.  

Until you can put the result in one sentence you cannot understand. Once you can put the result in one sentences, you already understand.  All that is left to do is identify the details of the interaction among the individual parts.  Keep it simple.
Image result for albert einstein
"The main thing is that everything become simple, -- easy enough for a child understand."

In one simple sentence, Democrats are demonic.  When I note "democrats" I do not mean every democrat. I mean Congressional Democrats and Democrats who adopt the current Democrat Philosophy.  I completely understand there are Democrats that exist because they have always been and they will not change because they are too lazy to examine the facts (the willfully ignorant), their are ignorant Democrats because they do not know the Democrat Philosophy and no one has attempted to educate them, and there are mentally-challenged Democrats who cannot understand but vote nonetheless. These same categories exist for Republicans as well as all sub-categories of voters. That is one of the reasons America is in so much trouble! 

Because Democrats are demonic, once we understand Satan we understand the Democrat Party.  

Satan is known, among other titles, as The Accuser, Destroyer, Evil One and Liar.  Those few words define the philosophy of the Democrat Party.  

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, proclaiming, "...the accuser of our brethern has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God" (Revelation 12:10).

They have as king over them the angel of the pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon (Revelation 9:11).  The Hebrew word Abaddon and the Greek word Apollyon translate to the English word "Destroyer."

When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what is sown in the heart; this is what was sown on the path (Matthew 13:19).

You are of your father the Devil . . . he is a liar, and the father thereof (John 8:44).

Everything Democrats do fits into one of or more of five categories of which four are noted above. 

By accusations I do not mean lies, I mean making mountains out of molehills.  I mean exaggerations/hyperbole. Accusations are the foundation for lies.  For example. "President Trump played golf today therefore he does not care enough about America to do his job."  The first part is the accusation. The second part is the lie. "President Trump talked to someone on the phone therefore he must be guilty of saying something illegal."  The first part is the accusation. The second part is the lie. Once you see the pattern, Democrats are easy to figure out. 

The current impeachment attempt against our President are accusations followed by the lies from evil people for the purpose of destroying our President, Country, Constitution, borders and freedom.  Democrats have a five point platform. Four of them are:  Accusation.  Lie.  Evil.  Destroy.  It is the identical platform of Satan.  

Their recent attack against the Boy Scouts was designed to destroy the Boy Scouts. To do that they accused then lied.  Accusation, lie, destroy.  

Their stance on open borders is designed to open the borders to illegal drugs, diseases and all kinds of criminals including terrorists for the purpose of destroying America.  Accusation.  Lie.  Destroy.  

Anytime you read or hear about the activity of Democrats do not focus on the activity. Focus on their accusations, lies, evil and the destruction their goals will bring to America.  It is always the same; accuse, lie, destroy.  Why? Because Democrats are evil.  It is simple.  They are of their father, the Devil and what their father does, they will do.  

You are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do... (John 8:44).

"The main thing is that everything become simple, -- easy enough for a child understand."
Albert Einstein

It is simple. Democrats are demonic; everything they do that follows that knowledge makes sense; accuse, lie, destroy.  Because they are evil like Satan, like Satan they seek to destroy all that is good and godly. 

Satan is also known  as our adversary (enemy).  (1 Peter 5:8). The enemy always wants compromise which is the first step in surrender for their targets. He is called a "murderer."  (John 8:44).  That is why Democrats want us unarmed.  Murder is easier when the opponent is defenseless.  He is known as the "tempter."  Satan offered Jesus the world to rule if Jesus would bow, worship and follow (become like) him (Satan). (Matthew 4:3-9).  Jesus said no.  Democrats say yes.  It could not be more simple.  

See the source image

While it is true that we do not fight against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12) it is a strategic mistake to think that flesh and blood is not involved in the battle.  I feel just about the same towards Democrats as I do towards Satan because today's Congressional Democrats are just about the same as Satan.  

You now know more about today's politics than 70% of Americans!  The Democrat Party is the personification of Satan.  A devoted Christian is a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ.  A devoted Democrat is a representative of Satan.  Again, and in conclusion, it could not be more simple.

Author Image
Rev . Joda  Collins
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.


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