Zev Porat

Friday, June 5, 2020

Pastor Caspar's Commentaries: After years of study and research from a biblical and scientific perspective

After years of study and research from a biblical and scientific perspective that culminated in the publishing of my book What Was I Thinking? it has become clear to me how our emotions and perceptions of reality are very chemically induced.
Descriptions of the ways our bodies natural chemicals are created and how they work through our brains and affect our social relationships almost read like science fiction.
Nevertheless, I base my observations on the almighty Word of God who also gave us science to better understand the magnificence of our creator.
At the moment I am grieving the loss of our 16-year-old dog Lizzie who went to be with the Lord Jesus yesterday, so I find now that I am dealing with an assortment of emotions and applying coping skills as I must go through this grieving process. Yes, I believe there is ample biblical evidence that our pets go to Heaven. If there are horses in Heaven there are other animals too. Out of the mouths of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established.
We read in places like Revelation 19:11 ," And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him [was] called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war."
  Romans 8:21 ," Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God."

 In our Western societies, many families have acknowledged dogs who have become a central part of family life and can even be considered as family members. We give them names and they assimilate into our lives. In my veterinarian's office, our dog was listed as Lizzie McCloud as is my horse listed with his veterinarian as Mr. Bob McCloud. We take them into our families and give them names and I believe the Lord knows each one of them as he does us. Not a sparrow falls to the ground the Lord does not know about and care for. (Matthew 10:29-31)

One of the chemicals that appears to play a major role in our relationships with our dogs, is oxytocin.
In some circles, oxytocin has been called the "love hormone," a term that's probably far less than complete, given its many functions that are still being researched and discovered.  We are indeed marvellously made. 
Psalm 139:14," I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
The attachment relationship that develops between families and dogs can be regarded as functionally similar to that observed between a parent and child.
Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that this type of relationship is most evident in behavioral and neuroendocrine similarities to that described for mothers and infants. (See Matthew 23:37)
These findings are often based on the neuropeptide oxytocin which is produced in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei in the hypothalamus. In studies, we have learned that mothers are known to stimulate milk ejection during breastfeeding and uterine contractions during labour as oxytocin does what it is designed to do.
The hypothalamus is the brain of the endocrine system. It integrates the autonomic nervous system along with the secretion of hormones and various neurotransmitters. It can only secrete and release chemicals based on what you are thinking deep within your spirit and soul.
Research has shown that oxytocin is not only released during mother's labour and breastfeeding, but may also be released by non-noxious sensory stimulation such as gentle touch. 
There is much evidence to suggest that both animals and humans respond to this type of stimulation, which induces, for example, anti-stress effects, from a caring touch or look mixed with agape love. This can help decrease cortisol levels as well as blood pressure with increased function of the gastrointestinal tract. It can even increase our pain threshold to help us through difficult times.  
When you entertain the spirit of fear that God did not give you on any level in your thought life which today is called stress, worry, and anxiety, one of the first places it often attacks is in your stomach releasing poisonous chemicals from the negative thoughts.
However, the Lord designed the lining of our intestines to wear down and then rebuild itself every 72 hours as a way to help protect us from ourselves. Giving us a measure of grace, a time to get our thinking in harmonious agreement with the almighty Word of God.
Best to forgive everyone the moment you are offended including yourself and trust the Lord for every detail. 
 That said it is interesting to note that oxytocin levels have also been shown to be higher in people who have been in romantic relationships for at least three months than in those who remain single. Studies show that couples with higher oxytocin levels at the three-month marker are much more likely to be together several months later as they are likely to be entering into a lifetime of togetherness.
Research has also revealed that human mothers who gaze at their babies while their babies look back at them also have higher levels of oxytocin. It makes sense that mothers with higher oxytocin levels will also engage in more mothering behaviour, which helps raises oxytocin levels in their babies, causing babies to be more attached and attentive to their mothers, which increases mothers' oxytocin levels, drawing them to demonstrate even more maternal behaviour creating a never-ending positive emotional feedback loop. Thereby showing that oxytocin levels increase in mothers and babies who touch frequently, and decrease when they are in any way prevented from touching. 
People and their dogs and other pets experience this sort of parallel with an increase in oxytocin as they touch.
Because dogs affect us and our oxytocin levels in much the same sort of way as human babies do, the strong bond we develop and establish with our dogs can feel similar to the bond that is built between mothers and children. The mechanism behind the connection is the same, as well as the despair one experiences at any grievous loss of a family member, human or animal. 
Biologists have discovered the underlying physiological mechanisms common to the formation of both romantic and parental social bonds are similar. 
Scientifically speaking there is much evidence today that we love our dogs like we love people, as do our dogs who love us.
We can learn much from our canine friends who are so quick to forgive our mistakes and love us unconditionally.  I pray to live my life as the person my dog Lizzie thought me to be, to live a life that is glorifying to the Lord Jesus/Yeshua.
Dogs have been called man's best friend for a good reason because they are simply great friends at what they do for us.
They have the innate ability to be such a profound influence on our lives and families.
Simply sharing experiences together and petting our dogs increases our oxytocin levels (and theirs!), and interestingly enough research shows that even thinking about our dogs can increase our oxytocin levels. Keeping in mind that oxytocin can reduce stress, and increase pain tolerance and enhance our overall well-being.
The chemistry between you and your dog is indeed real, and science and the Holy Scriptures prove it.
I am most grateful for the years Lizzie was part of our lives, and I have 16 years' worth of wonderful memories to draw upon.
The friends who prayed with us and for us are forever invaluable to me and my family. 
Our veterinarians Dr. Larry D. Gerlach, Dr. Sally W. Forsyth have been close friends of our family for many years. They are the best and most caring veterinarians I have ever known. 
Dr. Sally's expertise and care helped our Lizzie stay comfortable and helped extend her life after she was stricken with pancreatitis three years ago. She greatly helped guide me though through the process of letting go of Lizzie and entrusting her to transition to the Lord Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15:55, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"
Fight back overcomers, trust Papa God for every detail, and stay in faith! Because "All", things are possible with God! I pray the Lord's supernatural peace, healing, provision, and protection cover you always with oceans of agape love in the almighty name of Jesus/Yeshua!
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