Zev Porat

Sunday, July 26, 2020


by Rev. Joda Collins

Rabbit foot religion is when a person assumes all of the benefits of their faith, but rejects the major responsibilities of his or her faith, among the most important the command to repent of wrong doing.  Jesus is their good luck charm or a servant to call on when things are not going well. 

Jesus confronted a large group of people telling them that He was not interested in casual relationships but only serious relationships with people who would attempt to honor his lordship.  (John 6:54-59).   John 6:60-66 (1) states that many of his followers did not take his attitude well and told him they would go their way and Jesus could go his.  In other words, he asked them to repent and they said "NO!".  When the relationship between us and Jesus becomes a rabbit foot relationship, Jesus confronts us and we make the decision to repent or send him away.  Most, I suspect, send him away.

I have never met anyone who is easier to get along with than the Lord Jesus Christ. A person who cannot get along with Jesus probably cannot get along with anyone for any substantial period of time or over any moderate obstacle that exist, from time to time, in any relationship.  The secret to getting along with others is to learn to get along with Jesus.  Jesus is not my rabbit foot to serve me upon my orders.  Quite the contrary, I am his servant and we are friends.  If you want friends, find out what their rules are for friendship and be that. 

All relationships have rules that have to be kept in order to keep the friendship active. The good news is that our association with Jesus does not have to end if we are willing to honor his rules for having a good relationship with him.  

"He who has my commandments and (makes an honest effort to) keep...them, it is he who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my father, and I will love him and manifest myself to (be friends with) him."  John 14:21, NKJV.  Parenthesis mine: Christianity is not a rabbit foot religion. It is a maturing relationship with a living Savior.  Nothing in life is more valuable.  Do not send him away.

Rev. Joda Collins
I do not claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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