Zev Porat

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

We are Subjects Under the Rule of Dictators if We Let Them Steal the 2020 Presidential Election.

By Chris Farrell

I was present at the preliminary release of the findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold Case Posse investigation into Obama as a student reporter with permission from the commander of the Cold Case Posse, Mike Zullo. I met Dr. Jerome Corsi there. He stood up to the podium to announce the breaking news that Andrew Breitbart had died.
Breitbart had only hours earlier spoken with Dr. Corsi by phone telling him that he had uncovered some news cycle shattering (my words) information on Obama. I wonder to this day whether he was murdered. The Cold Case Posse had an expert, Mara Zebest, analyze Obama's so-called 'birth certificate.'
Mara Zebest started with Adobe software when the company had eleven employees. She has authored numerous books on the analysis of electronic files and documents created with Adobe software. There is no other person of her caliber in the forensic analysis of anything created with Adobe software. I can't resist the temptation to tell you that she is quite literally 'Zee Best!'
No matter, when the Liberal-fascist, Progressive-socialist media propagandists decide that something is not going to be relevant and they label any who choose to reference that material as a "Birther" or a "Racist" then the republican party folds its hand.
Soon, anyone who voices their opinion that the 2020 presidential election was rigged will be labeled just as those who demanded that Obama submit authentication that he was a constitutionally eligible to be president Article II natural born citizen were labeled Birthers as "BLANKS.".
The massive election fraud will no longer be the issue at all.
The issue will then be whether a person is a "BLANK" or not. (Fill in the blank with whatever catchy little label they decide upon. Don't worry, you'll know it when it is decided upon because the Liberal-fascist, Progressive-socialist Left will announce it on late night talk shows and early morning shows like 'The Talk' and 'Ellen' and of course the propagandists at CNN, MSNBC, etc... will all on cue run with it.)
Joseph Farah writes in his op-ed on World Net Daily today, Dec. 1st, 2020, "The president said the Department of Justice and the FBI were "missing in action" on claims of massive fraud in the 2020 election."
But President Trump could have gone back even further: When did we shelve the massive fraud in the 2008 and 2012 elections wherein Obama fraudulently represented himself as constitutionally eligible to be president while knowingly not so?
Every government agency was missing in action and World Net Daily was one of a very few news organizations which fought the good fight along with Dr. Jerome Corsi against Obama's crimes against the Constitution and against the honor of the office of POTUS being investigated.
Obama's multi-layered electronic file forgery was published on the official White House website.
Where was--where is--the outrage? Article II is just as much a part of the Constitution as the Bill of Rights!
Where is America's Fourth Estate?
It was after the Preliminary Release of the findings of the investigation that Mike Zullo reported how further investigation had uncovered the actual birth certificates of a set of twins born in Honolulu in 1961 from which the security background pattern used in the manufacturing of Obama's amateurishly manufactured multi-layered electronic file that was posted on the official White House website as authentication that Obama was, (as if that would even have proved such a thing were it to have in fact been representative of an actual official government issued document which it was not), an eligible to be president Article II natural born citizen of the United States of America was copied and pasted into several of the electronic layers that were assembled into Obama's forgery. Obama's so-called birth certificate was irrefutably, incontestably proven to be a cut and paste forgery!
But overwhelming evidence is no longer a determinant factor in the mass media manipulable court of public opinion.
News cycles have replaced the wheels of justice that was America's legal system.
Facts, as for example the mounting evidence being assembled by Atty. Sydney Powell and by Rudolph Giuliani, just don't matter anymore.
America is no longer a nation under the rule of law but under the rule of men who manipulate data online and numbers in voting machines or simply manufacture a birth certificate if need be and in doing so elevate themselves above the law to be a law unto themselves.
If 'We the People' let them steal the election from President Trump and from us we are a people under the rule of dictators.
Elected officials in the republican party, media personalities like Hannity and Rush Limbaugh (Both refused to take my phone calls and discuss the facts surrounding Obama's criminal usurpation of the office of POTUS by fraud for fear that they might be labeled as Birthers.), movie-stars, and other public personalities will, if we let the theft of the 2020 presidential election take place run and hide from the issue just as they did from the issue of Obama's criminal usurpation of the office of POTUS lest they be inscribed with whatever new scarlet letters are arranged to determine the label to be inscribed upon all those who acknowledge the fact that the Fascist Progressive Left's emperor, Beijing Biden, has not a sufficient number of legal votes to be sworn-into office as the legal sitting POTUS--if we let them.

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