by Rev. Joda Collins
It is hard to write something that applies to everyone (at least for me). So, just ignore the parts of this article that applies to others but not you.
The hate between Democrats and Republicans is simple to understand. Democrats and Republicans are enemies at war. If you know what Democrats want for America and Americans and you know what Republicans (excluding RINOs) want for America and Americans, the fact that Democrats and Republicans are enemies at war is not surprising. Light and darkness are enemies. They cannot co-exist. Good and evil cannot be friends. Evil always clamors for compromise because once good compromises with evil, evil has won.
If you are a Christian, you might be tempted to quote, "Love your enemies and do good to those who mistreat you." Without delving into the meaning of that verse let me assume that you do not really know what that verse means. Otherwise, you would know that verse has limited, different or no application to war which is proven by the fact that God sent his people to war to kill the enemy. Now that we both know you do not really understand that verse as it does or does not apply to war, for now let's take that verse out of our consideration/conversation. It is foolish to enter into debate with an argument/defense you know is flawed.
In war, the winner takes all and they do with the spoils of war what they want and will. What is at stake is our land, natural resources, economy, freedom, way of life and our Constitution. Combine those things and that is a lot to win or lose. Loving our political enemies and doing good to them while they actively try to destroy us is the same thing as giving away our land, natural resources, economy, freedom, way of life and our Constitution to them for them to do with as they want and will. If the Democrats win the war, they win all and Republicans win nothing. If the Republicans win the war, Republicans win all and Democrats win nothing.
This, then, is a fight to the death of Democrats or, at least to the death of Democrat power. Or, if you please, this is a fight to the death of Republicans or, at least to the death Republican power. That is just the way it is in war; always has been and always will be.
Why do you think Democrats want to take away your guns? It is not because someone somewhere has or will shoot someone else. Democrats care about human life like the fox cares about the life of a chicken and/or an abortionist cares about the life of a baby. Democrats want your guns because Democrats want to do things to America and American's that will get them shot by American patriots and freedom loving Americans. The first step in victory in war is to disarm the enemy using any means to do so.
Now, let us deal with the second most popular saying directed from the lips of Democrats towards Republicans, from RINOs towards real Republicans and from some well-meaning but confused/misguided Republicans to Republicans, which is, "It is not godly to hate." It is godly to hate! It is godly to hate evil. It is godly to hate those that hate God. "Do I not hate those who hate you, Lord...those who are in rebellion against you? I have nothing but hatred or them; I count them my enemies." (Psalm 139:21-22.) "To everything there is a season....A time to love and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace." (Ecclesiastes 3:1a, 8.) To go to war or be a peace and when to hate or love depends on what time it is. Many sections the Bible are more complicated than quoting your favorite section whenever it suits you. You are in the danger around the person with a loaded gun if he or she does not understand how to use it. The harsh implication is intended for passive/opportunistic Bible readers for very good reasons.
Democrats and Republicans are in a war to the death; winner takes all and the loser loses all. Today we are experiencing the cold part of that war; a war of words -- threats, lies, accusations and ultimatums. When one side or the other does not surrender during the cold war phase, things heat up; always has and always will. Am I calling for war? I am just saying, lock and load and be ready.
Jesus told his follows that did not have a weapon to go buy a sword. A sword in Jesus' time was the weapon to use as a defense to another sword. Once it is use as a defensive weapon against another sword or some other attack against person or property, it becomes an offensive weapon; always has and always will. Therefore, always be ready.

Rev. Joda Collins
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