Zev Porat

Monday, June 14, 2021


By Rev. Joda Collins

Democrats opt for the worst options for America because the worst options do the most damage to our Country and our citizens.  Democrats spin everything to confuse the simple-minded in an effort to sway the simple-minded to the the Democrat point of view/agenda.  

For example, Democrats claim not all police officers are good people, therefore we need to get rid of the police.  The call to defund the police is a big part of that agenda.  Once there are no or insufficient police, every innocent citizen will be prey for every thug.  The latter end is worse than the first and that is always the goal of Democrats.

Remember the rule of thumb; everything the Democrats touch gets worse or dies.  Their goal is to destroy all that is good and godly.  Think about anything in society that is good and you will find some kind of exiting or proposed Democrat policy to destroy it.  They "throw out the baby with the bath water."  When you bathe a baby the bath water becomes dirty.  That is a natural process of anyone taking a bath.  In a perfect world, you could drink the bath water after taking a bath, but we do not live in a perfect world.  The normal process of taking a bath produces bad water.  The normal process is to remove the baby from the bath water, protect it from harm and then discard the dirty water.  However, this normal process protects the valuable child while it properly disposes of the dirty-undrinkable water.  The normal process takes some elementary thinking and an extra step.  The normal process values the baby and takes the extra step to protect it.  The Democrats plan would be to get rid of both the worthless dirty bath water and the valuable child.

The normal process for cleaning up the police departments is to deal with the small percentage of dirty cops while protecting, defending and preserving the valuable police officers.  However, Democrats are not normal people.  To be a valued party member of the Democrat establishment one must be a sociopath, psychopath or narcissist, must hate good and love evil and hate America.  Above all one must develop the mentality and methodology of throwing out the baby with the wash because that is how Democrats dispose of good and replace it with evil. 

The next time you hear or read about a proposal from a devoted Democrat, take the time to recognize that said person is throwing out the baby with the wash.  Democrats do it every time because they are evil and hate-filled people; the two prerequisites for being a valued Democrat among their putrid ranks. 

Rev. Joda Collins
Email: JodaCollins@aol.com
I make no claim that anyone else agrees with me.

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