Naturalism comes in many forms. There are groups of Christians around the world, for example, who practice the form of naturalism known as nudism. It's the ritual act of conducting the affairs of the day completely in the nude; usually in secluded, designated areas. Personally, I agree with Mark Twain who said "Always wear clothing. Naked people have little or no effect on society". I want to focus in this article on the "philosophy" of naturalism. It's the mindset which predetermines that there's nothing in existence other than the natural. That which we experience with the five senses and exists naturally is the philosophy of naturalism and is, in fact, modern atheism. Most homosexual men (men will be the focus of this article) are either agnostic or atheist. Large numbers of homosexual men in N. America live their lives as atheists (without God). This is where the hypocrisy becomes evident because the vast majority of modern atheists believe in the ridiculous theory of macro evolution; a myth which is totally refuted by gametic isolation. The theory maintains that natural selection of the fittest prevails and proceeds to propel the species forward. If that's the case then why do male homosexual men wear condoms? According to the Center for Disease control, 68% of new aids cases last year were the result of MSM (men who have sex with men). That number would be dramatically worse for the MSM community if not for the use of condoms. That number is also up from 2005 by a full percentage point. Does anyone else see the blatant hypocrisy? If evolution is a bonafide process of naturalism then aren't gay men who use condoms doing harm to the process? Isn't nature trying to eradicate the biological abnormalities that violate natural order by doing things contrary to nature? It seems so; or at least Darwin would think so. A virus is trying to get rid of MSM. This would be a near reality if it wasn't for the invention of condoms and their proper use. So what's it going to be people? Atheism or homosexuality? Pick one already! As a Christian I believe and in fact know that God created humanity as a special creation; separate from the animal kingdom. Chromosome 2 was fused by creation and gives us evidence of our unique place in the earth. Homosexuality is a violation of created order. It harkens back to the old adage "just because you have a hammer doesn't mean you should treat everything like a nail". Male and female reproductive systems are designed to work in harmony; both for pleasure and reproduction. God created it thus and thus it will always be like it or not. I challenge all of the MSM out there to get serious about the past issues that drive your decisions about your sexuality before nature finally vomits you out as it will every one of us sooner or later. It is appointed unto every man once to die and then the judgment.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Shameful Hypocrisy of the Homosexual Agenda
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