Zev Porat

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

CBC Crosses the line in Steven Pinker Interview

Today (Nov 29) CBC Radio's "The Current" interviewed renowned atheist Steven Pinker on his views which paint a bright picture for the violence trends in the world. Pinker believes trends are pointing toward kinder civilizations and less violence as societies learn to disconnect from religion. He attacked "Yahweh - the God of the Old Testament" several times during the interview and suggested Yahweh was responsible for and sanctioned rape and murder. Pinker went unchallenged by the interviewer.

Of course serious students of history know there is a very different side to the story which does not carry with it the presupposition that atheism is a superior scientific and intellectual model for thought. We know that modern atheism is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people for many decades. Lana Peters died this week. Let's talk about her dad - Joseph Stalin.

Stalin followed the position adopted by Lenin that religion was an opiate that needed to be removed in order to construct the ideal communist society. To this end, his government promoted atheism through special atheistic education in schools, massive amounts of anti-religious propaganda, the antireligious work of public institutions (especially the Society of the Godless), discriminatory laws, and also a terror campaign against religious believers. By the late 1930s it had become dangerous to be publicly associated with religion. Reliable estimates put the victim count during the Stalin regime at as many as 30 million.

There are many more examples of modern atheism's effects on society. Pol Pot, Vladimir Lenin, and many more. But it is also true that serious Bible scholars could easily refute Pinker's charges against the God of the Old Testament (same as the New Testament by the way). The Bible is the "Word" of God - not the "words" of God. The difference is everything when it comes to actually understanding the Bible. Just because something is written in scripture this does not mean God did it or sanctioned it. It simply means it will happen. Often times it is a warning or admonition from the Lord that for certain actions there is a corresponding reaction - either from nature or from others or from the righteous justice which comes as a result of evil doing. Criticisms of the Bible’s morality
assume that humans have correct moral reasoning. The answer is to understand the Bible in its historical context, on its own terms.

But the CBC interviewer did not challenge Pinker even when he declared that Yahweh was responsible for so much evil in the world - a common opining from the atheist ideologues. Could it be that Anna Maria Tremonti AGREED with Pinker? It sure did seem so in which case she does not represent the vast - vast majority of Canadians who pay her salary. Tremonti could have, and arguably should have, held Pinker's feet to the fire and defended at least 80% of the Canadian population who believe in the God of the Bible and believe that He represents love and goodness - righteousness and proper living. No murder has ever been sanctioned by God - no rape has ever occurred with Yahweh's approval. In fact the "rape" doesn't even appear in the King James Version of the Bible. God says that if A is done then B will happen. It is the reliable nature of the righteousness of God.

CBC has much to be ashamed of. They take from the Canadian people by force (taxation) and then beat them down with deleterious theories of origins and philosophy which degrade the human experience to the status of animal - a status even Yahweh rejected on our behalf. We call on Stephen Harper to audit the CBC - not just their finances but their platforms. The Canadian people are simply not getting their money's worth any longer - if they ever did at all.

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