Zev Porat

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why "Scientists" Really Should Not be Trusted

Scientists are people - and people have agendas. More often than not these agendas are hidden and are often unknown to the "scientist". These can be very subtle yet they govern all the the person's presuppositions which direct the conclusions made after following the trail of evidence.

The word "science" comes from the Latin word "scientia" which literally means "knowledge". Scientific method is, essentially, using that knowledge to predict outcomes. Yet entire fields of research have sprung up around unproven theories which are being called fields of scientific endeavor yet are based entirely on the presupposition. These fields include but are not limited to "evolutionary biology" which is a total misnomer since it excludes limited adaptation within genuses and completely embraces the theory of macro pan-genus microbe-to-man evolution. This more resembles religion than science.

Scientists have been wrong so many times they have not earned a right to be believed. Doctors used to promote smoking cigarettes in advertisements. They prescribed them for relief of stress. George Washington himself died from the "science" of blood letting - something we now know has no beneficial effect.

Could it be that this generation of Americans is so over weight because of the lies told by the last generations's "scientists"? How soon is too soon to begin drinking Cola? This ad quotes scientific findings in a lab and suggests Cola drinking should begin when they're babies!

The consequences of a Cola-rich diet are now obvious a generation later. Someone once pointed out to me that if you read a Pepsi bottle backwards the message is "The Next Generation isded". Get it? "pepsi" upside down and reversed reads "isded" or IS DEAD! I know - it's a stretch. But the results are in folks - drinking cola (and other garbage) has made the western world obese. Yet where were the "scientists" on this?

This ad promoting the consumption of beer by breast feeding mothers says it is "essential" and promotes it as an "appetizing stimulating tonic". This is probably not the recommended drink in today's climate for mothers but hey - who's judging?

And the list goes on and on. We haven't even touched on the scientific frauds like Piltdown Man, climate gate, etc. One of the greatest scientific atrocities however is still going strong today. It is the teaching as fact that people are evolved from the primordial slime and are nothing more than animals. This is the worst form of child abuse imaginable and society is beginning to reap a harvest. From std's to unwanted pregnancies to breast cancer to youth depression leading to suicide we can offer no better answer than Alexandre Soljenitsyne who famously said "All of this has befallen us because men have forgotten God".

Society has placed the "scientists" on pillars and labelled them gods. In turn the people have been relegated to the status of animals and now we see humanity playing the role. Give us our beer and our sports idols. Give us our steak and our Simpsons and we will live as animals because you say that is what we are. Scientists have convinced an entire generation that they have no transcendental value and nature is the ultimate judge. So we see gangs of youths robbing stores and young people killing themselves because they have no hope - no God to save them. The learned gods with their tenure have talked them out of their faith with high sounding orations from Nietzsche and Watts. And now it is harvest time. The great "Falling away" has happened just as the Bible predicts all thanks to so-called "scientists" who promote their presupposition as fact - a fact which will one day be as ridiculous as blood-letting but not before it kills as many people as possible.

¶Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first...
2 Thessalonians 2:3a

1 comment:

  1. MASH the link below the title for the TV commercial. ...

    More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette

