Zev Porat

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Doomsday Prophecies - The TRUTH!

The Internet is buzzing with articles, warnings, and ridicule about the year 2012. The Mayans, the solar maximum watchers, the planet "x" ers and others make youtube videos and blog posts giving dire predictions on Dec 21st while others use these people as objects of ridicule and scorn.

The PPSIMMONS ministry has released an end-of-the-year video tackling this issue with biblical, sound-minded commentary. Let's get real here folks. We know the prophesied "end time" is now upon us. What is the truth about all of this? Watch the latest offering from PPSIMMONS.

Is 2012 REALLY "DOOMSDAY" Year? Mayan Calendars, Prophecy and the Bible (REDUX)

1 comment:

  1. That was a very informative video presentation! It definitely speaks volumes about the Mayan civilization and the dooms day scenario. In my opinion, people of the old times, specifically the Mayans, knew something that we don’t. Their knowledge was surprisingly advanced for their times. I think it is not a bad thing to have an in-depth look on this ancient text. What they predicted may surprise us. [Emmaline Pham]
