Zev Porat

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Michelle wants us all to call Barack "Father"

Are you going to wish Barack Hussein Obama a happy "Father's" day? You will if Michelle gets her way. In spite of a recent gaffe in which Barack couldn't recall whether his offspring were boys or girls, Michelle claims the president always puts his kids first. In an email from Michelle sent out through the Obama campaign, Michelle lavishly praised the president's "cool" fathering skills. How about it America! - Are you ready to call Barack Hussein Obama "Father"? Here's the email:

Friend --

From coaching basketball to knowing how many Jonas brothers there are, Barack is a pretty cool dad.

But more importantly, Barack is a wonderful father and partner. No matter what's on his plate, he puts the kids first, and they know how much he loves them.

This Father's Day, I want Barack to know how much we love and appreciate him, so I hope you'll join me in wishing him a happy Father's Day:

http://... redacted

Thanks for all your hard work, and happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there.

- Michelle

1 comment:

  1. How can we print a bumper sticker: Get B.O. out of the White House?

    He is NOT a godly man - but, he IS a liar, felon, and doubtfully an American citizen! It is tragic for the future of the United States.

    But, it does make believers pray for the Lord's return!
