Zev Porat

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So-called Science journals caught lying about world's oldest blood cell

Researchers discovered intact red blood cells in the body of Ötzi the Iceman, a world-famous once-frozen natural mummy found in the Alps in 1991. Livesciencecalled them the "world's oldest blood cells." But clear evidence shows that other blood cells hold the real record.
Forensic researchers have gleaned a wealth of information about the Tyrolean Iceman, commonly known as Ötzi. For example, chemical traces show places he had recently been, tiny particles revealed his last meal of red deer and bread, and his boots were likely made by an ancient professional bootmaker. An arrowhead had lodged in his left shoulder, damaging an artery and likely causing his death. Just this year, geneticists sequenced his DNA, finding that modern inhabitants of the Mediterranean's Corsica have the most similar sequences.
But red blood cells from even earlier specimens have appeared under paleontologists' microscopes. Totally unexpected, the bone marrow of a T. rex recovered in 1990 from Montana had what appeared to be red blood cells. Their story was recounted in Earth magazine.
read more http://www.icr.org/article/6887/

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