Zev Porat

Monday, July 2, 2012

Anderson Cooper confirms old PPSIMMONS video - finally comes out as a homosexual (video)

anderson-cooperAfter years of rumor and speculation, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has come out of the closet to announce he is homosexual.
“The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud,” Cooper wrote in an email to blogger Andrew Sullivan.

1 comment:

  1. As one who ministers to all kinds of people from all walks of life, every night, I deal with a lot of homosexual people. A bad relationship with a parent doesn't often enter the problem. I had a very bad relationship with my abusive father, and I lived for the day when I would kill him; I almost did when I was 29. And as a child I'd lay in bed at night and listen to him and my mother screaming at one another and things being thrown around. Despite these things I did not become gay.

    Although I keep records, I don't, offhand, know how many homosexuals I have helped, but it numbers in the hundreds. I would estimate that about 90% of them were sexually abused, either by a family member, family friend, or even a babysitter. The other 10% came about through sexual experimentation in adolescence. Some of each group did have bad relationships with their fathers, but certainly not most of them. And one thing I found surprising, was many of them were sexually abused by their grandfathers.

    Counseling will not do much to convert a gay person to being heterosexual. Some try to do the right thing but eventually break down and live their lives as they feel led. I deal with men whose wives left them for other women. Those wives knew their sexuality was wrong but thought they could put it right if they did the right thing. Such marriages do not last many years and the husbands are left devastated.

    Contrary to the beliefs of many gays, they were not born that way. God does not create a person to be gay, and then condemn their gay sex life. The problem is a spiritual one, being that we are all spirits in bodies of flesh. Sex is a spiritual act, not just a carnal one, and it can have a devastating effect on people's lives when misused. When sexual abuse takes place, it causes a serious problem with the victim's spirit. A spiritual problem requires a spiritual answer. Accepting Christ will not free somebody from the homosexual lifestyle.

    In Mark 16:17 Jesus gives his authority to believers to cast out demons. Unclean spirits enter the victim of sexual abuse, and removing them changes the situation. A gay person becomes straight, just the way they were when they were born. It takes around one hour for this kind of deliverance, and it is 100% successful. And those people accept Christ, afterward.

    Many people with spiritual problems write to me and tell me they are ready to give up, because they tried several churches but were turned away. And this is not only about homosexuals. For the most part the organized church is impotent.

    Despite what Anderson Cooper says about being happy, he's not. They make a show of being happy but deep down inside they are grieving, which might explain the higher rate of suicide among gays than heterosexuals.
