Zev Porat

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mars Rover Curiosity's Search for Life No Help to Evolutionists, Say Creationists

As NASA's $2.5 billion Mars rover Curiosity continues its search to determine if the red planet could have ever supported microbial life, advocates of creationism took the opportunity to point out that even if life were found it would not help the evolutionary quest to identify the origin of life on earth.

As the "science news is buzzing" because of the Curiosity rover project, the group of writers at CreationRevolution.com, an online resource site for creation science and Intelligent Design, say NASA's mission is misguided.

"They believe so strongly that life was not created by God, that they look to Mars and everywhere else in the solar system, Milky Way Galaxy and universe. No matter what the cost in dollars ($2.6 billion), equipment and man hours they are bound and determined to prove that life on earth had to have originated somewhere out in space," states Creation Revolution in a recent post on its website.

"Honest evolutionists will admit that the basic law of biology states that life cannot arise from non-life, so the formation of life from a prebiotic soup here on earth is impossible," the creationists stated. "They can't deny their religious belief in evolution, so if life could not have originated here on earth, the only direction they have left to turn is outer space."

The creation advocates ask what would it would mean to the Bible and creationism if Curiosity did find microscopic evidence of life or even found some sort of bacteria living on the distant planet...

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/mars-rover-curiositys-search-for-life-no-help-to-evolutionists-say-creationists-80313/#LjtlsIzWAgxxKZ7g.99

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