President Barack Obama praised former President George W. Bush's faith.
"I didn't agree with former President Bush on many issues, but I did respect him as a good husband, a loving father, and as a man of faith," Obama said.Obama also speculated that Bush's faith influenced his policies on immigration and AIDS in Africa. Bush is a United Methodist, which is a mainline Protestant denomination.
"I don't know how he would have approached the issue of immigration reform or AIDS in Africa if he were not a man of faith," Obama said.
Listen to Barack Obama - "The Protestant Christian"

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Wow this just shocks me......The Christian Post needs to start praying for discernment this is unnerving....Every stance he has on issues like marriage/abortion and so forth is anti-christian and he makes one blanketed statement and is declared a Christian? They need to wake up and read their bibles by their fruit you will know them.....apple trees dont grow lemons....
ReplyDeleteThis president has a well-documented four-year history of saying whatever he (and his handlers) think the people want to hear, but reality continues to confound his lies. The Christian Science Monitor can make any declaration it wants, but we discern the truth by the fruits of the man, and this man's administration has made all problems worse, and none of them better than they were before he entered the White House.
ReplyDeleteBottom line on his "faith" -- Obama is not a Christian, doesn't know Christ, does not fear God, doesn't know the Bible, and has no clue what it is to walk humbly before the Lord. His deeds reveal what he is.
Words can only be believed when spoken by a man with a long track record of truthfulness, and that man's entire life, from what little is really known about him, is a picture of prevarication and concealment.