Zev Porat

Monday, October 8, 2012

Children's Aid Society confesses 95% of intakes come from atheist homes

This is a difficult article to write since the source at CAS (Children's Aid Society) has to remain anonymous in order for her to keep her job. My wife and I are foster parents to a 15 year old girl. We are required to have meetings with the CAS rep from time to time. Since I am not home much I was only recently introduced to the case worker. Our meeting was very enlightening to say the least.

We live in Canada and we have a world-wide outreach to the atheist community at large. We are involved with PPSIMMONS Ministries, a phenomenon which began in 2008 on Youtube and which has spread to Facebook, Twitter, and this blog. Our material has been featured on mainstream media and we have a major contributor with a current best-selling book The Magic Man in the Sky.

So when the CAS case worker told us she had just come form a seminar on suicide I was immediately intrigued. My area, near Toronto, has been recently hit with an epidemic of suicides among the local youth. I prodded her to learn what, if anything, she had by way of knowledge on the issue. There wasn't much...

So I began to give her my own special brand of education on the matter. I explained to her that we are now looking at the generation which has had the benefit of being taught from kindergarten to college that they are nothing but animals. That there is no transcendental creator who loves them and whom is there to be called upon in times of trouble. They have been taught by the elites in the western atheist indoctrination mills that they are animals, evolved out of the primordial slime and are nothing more than walking, breathing, thinking apes.

And in spite of the overwhelming evidence out of creation science institutes as well as secular science magazines that humans are distinct from the animals and that any real scientific evidence is best explained by the biblical account and worldview, parents and teachers alike have allowed their children to be brain-washed, from the cartoons on Nickelodeon to the fraud in the universities, by the the new religion - Secular Humanism.

The CAS worker then said "Well, it goes much deeper than that". To which I responded "no, it does not." I explained to her that there is no greater argument, no more important debate, than the belief in the existence of the supernatural and the repudiation of that belief. Every single discussion hinges on that one topic. This is why the battle rages in the debate circles on this one simple topic - does God exist? Teaching children they are animals, through evolution theory, is essentially giving them the engine which drives modern atheism. Without it, there is only one alternative, that people were created by God to whom we are all accountable.

I went on to explain that in today's modern culture for a young person to commit suicide that person is borrowing from the atheists. He or she has gone all-in for the atheist worldview because they have bought the lie, that there is no God in the supernatural who can reach down and alter the person's existential reality and truly make a difference. Rather than believing the truth, that God is near to all who call on His name, the person has chosen to embrace the lie - that no one cares about "me".

If a person's own parents abandon them, and there is no god who can help them, and the school system seems indifferent, and the person's peer group has become their enemy, then the atheists have the only other solution - end your life - you're just an animal.

So then, to the CAS worker, I began to name names. We can thank the likes of Canadian "biologist" David Suzuki who openly calls college students "maggots" and exhorts them to act like animals and masturbate in public. We can thank the likes of American Bill Nye who tells children and their parents that if they don't believe they are animals they will never add up to anything in the real world. I may have even said they are guilty of child abuse... yes... I believe I did.

Finally, when I sat down and relaxed, the CAS worker, with stunning clarity, got it! She simply got it. As though the truth had been veiled from her and yet the connection was so clear... or at least should have been. The reason it should have been is because of a statistical fact associated with children being taken in by CAS which she then revealed to me. 95 -98 percent of children she deals with in the foster care system come from homes with no faith at all - or - atheists.

And now another reason surfaces to boldly fight the atheist worldview... our children. The atheists are wrong, folks. Science has proven it, the mountains of anecdotal evidence from people who have personal relationships with God have proven it, and now the children are crying out for someone to take a stand against it.


WB238.jpgIn "The Magic Man in the Sky," Carl Gallups has given us an exciting insight into the many unanswered questions of evolution theory and – based on biblical truths – both prophecies and promises, the possibilities of other worlds and realities denied by evolutionists. With his open and frank approach, supported by extensive research and information from learned professionals in their respective fields, Carl challenges believers and unbelievers to take a serious look at the subjects discussed in this book. Ultimately, Carl invites every reader to seriously consider the gravity and consequences of accepting or rejecting the truth presented. In this hour of all-but-universal darkness, a bright ray of hope and confidence shines forth from the truths of this book. In a time when lives are marked by a growing hunger for spiritual realities, Carl Gallups reveals the truth that real science and Holy Scripture are inseparably linked to verify that behind all creation there is an intelligent designer who created all that exists.