Zev Porat

Monday, October 8, 2012

Liberals on Twitter threaten to kill Romney, tweets forwarded to Secret Service

Threatening tweets aimed at Mitt Romney forwarded to Secret Service
Late Sunday night, Todd Kincannon, a South Carolina attorney who served as the executive director of the South Carolina Republican Party, directed a number of tweets threatening Mitt Romney to the Secret ServiceTwitter account, The Blaze reported Monday.
According to Jason Howerton, he also sent them to the FBI’s official Twitter account.
"I crash that f**king airplane that that f****t n***a Romney, stab Mrs. Romney in her (expletive deleted) esophagus. & won't stop until the cops come in (sic)," one tweet read.
"If Romney wins the elections I will start a national riot to kill his a** (sic)," read another.
"I just wanna assassinate Romney... I hate him (sic)," another liberal wrote.
Another person threatened to rape Ann Romney in a tweet forwarded to the authorities, while another threatened to snipe Romney if he wins the election.
The Blaze also reported that Kincannon said he would contact a former Secret Service agent “first thing in the morning” to “get this to who it needs to get to.”
Tom Janoski tweeted that his "firm has reported the twitter ID of over 60 users who have threatened Romney to DHS/SS in DC."

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