Zev Porat

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Roman Catholic Bishop says Christians should start calling God "Allah" - gets SLAMMED by fellow priest


  1. Cristians are believers of Christ that know God came in the form of a son to be Jesus the Saviour...therefore he has been given a name as told he would in Is.9:6..
    And anyone denying the sonship or name of Him is what?...An Anti-christ

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  3. God does have a name and it is not Buddah or Allah or just Gawd. It is His set apart name that was removed from our KJ versions. His name is YaHuah and the sons name is YaHusha. Gods name is not God. There are many gods. He alone is the creator. The first commandment tells us so. Jesus is actually a pagan name placed in your bible. Pray and research for your self.
    May you find truth.

  4. Freedom of religion means the right for each to practice their faith not merge it into one by denying what is basic to the faith. Praises to the clergy that stood up to this. The obstacle to a one world religion is the Christian concept of Christ as "DIVINE." I've read articles that we are moving to a one world 'Goddess' religion and that would be based on the pagan religion of ancient times where there was human sacrifice and temple prostitutes.Is the next step for the govt to say murder is OK? NO THANK YOU! Others can go to there mosques and pray to ALLAH, I'll go to my faith place and use the name in Hebrew, Aramaic or English, Spanish etc. but its not ALLAH.. In the name of " I AM WHO SAVES, YAHUSHA; whom Christians call Christ Jesus. As Americans, we are to respect each other's rights but we are not asked to agree or be the same. I welcome dialogue and in a work situation you may have your religious holidays off and I will have mine. Linda Joy Adams
